Getting to Know Me | The Blogger Behind the Blog

I've been blogging over a year now so I can't believe I've never done a post for you guys to get to know the person behind the blog a little better! It's kind of like starting a conversation with someone and forgetting their name and it's too awkward to ask...

The things you probably already know about me are that my name is Jasmine, I'm 22 and was born in and currently live in Manchester. I graduated from the University of Birmingham last year, where I studied Philosophy and Theology and now I'm working towards being a qualified Underwriter. 

I had such a crazy, fun time at uni and made some friends I know are going to be stuck with me for life! I learnt a lot about myself over those years and became a much more confident person towards the end of time there. I also learnt a few more academic things! Whilst my course was the opposite of vocational I had the chance to interact with people from so many different countries, backgrounds and beliefs about some of the most fundamental questions in life. 

I graduated and worked for nearly a year in an entry-level job, which I found pretty tough, though I met some great people in that role and the experience it gave me was worth it in the end! I've just started a graduate scheme with a different company and am studying for professional qualifications whilst working, so life is hectic and I don't see it slowing down any time soon.

I actually wasn't that into beauty until last year and as you can see, when I get into something I get into it! This blog has really given me confidence in my ability to start a creative venture and see it through. My 'ultimate dream' would be to be a published author but I'm really self-conscious and cagey about my writing for someone who blogs to the entire internet regularly. Somehow it feels so much more intimate. 

Something you may also have noticed is that I have seriously the driest sense of humour ever! I think people often don't know how to take me as I don't neatly fit into the kinds of boxes people want to put you in. My true mates are the ones who 'get' that and took the time to get to know me and all my various aspects!

A few random facts about me...

1. I'm a Pescetarian
I decided when I was about 11. I literally just woke up one day and decided I wasn't going to eat meat. People tend to get really mad about it as soon as I say this, but I really don't care if you eat meat/consume it in front of me!

2. I think too much
Sometimes I think my life was easier before Philosophy and Theology... Now I regularly worry about all sorts of existential  and sociological questions!

3. I'm an 'Agnostic Atheist' apparently
I think if there is a God, it's not a force that we'd be able to comprehend so there's no point worry too much about what it wants you to do. So I essentially live my life as if there isn't one just trying to be a good person, but I don't rule out there being something out there.

4. I'm scared of flying but want to travel!
I'm a really nervous flyer and it's held me back from travelling as much as I'd like to but I really want to put an end to that.

5. I have 2 cats
Leo and Zara.

6. I'm a Feminist
And it's not a dirty word. Believing women are people too isn't something you should be ashamed to admit. Read the post here.

7. I wear glasses
Ray-bans currently. I'm pretty blind...

8. I'm a arts student in Financial Services who is bad at maths
Don't try to understand it, because I don't!

9. My favourite films are Mean Girls, the Prestige and Requiem of a Dream
You can definitely enjoy different films for different reasons but these three are the ones I watch over and over again and never get bored. Mean Girls is just a classic from my formative years which I still quote all the time as it's such a funny, relatable high school movie. The Prestige is from one of my favourite directors, Christopher Nolan, and is centred on a rivalry between two stage magicians which takes a bit of a dark turn. Requiem for a Dream isn't an easy film to watch but it's one of my favourites as it just stays with you. It revolves around a group of drug addicts and how it ruins their life (it's not a fun one!)

10. I am half English and half Jamaican
I think I look exactly the ethnicity I am but people still guess wrong quite often!

I hope you enjoyed learning a little more about the blogger behind the blog!


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  1. This was a lovely post to read Jasmine - it's like you say, we share a lot.of certain aspects of our lives as bloggers but very little of other parts. I do feel like I know you a bit better now, thanks!
    Rebecca | The Two Twenty Somethings

    1. Yeah exactly, I think it's good to be careful about what you share but equally it's nice for people to feel like they know you :) xx

  2. What a lovely post to read - really nice getting to know a bit more about you!

    Lucy | www.foreverseptemberr.blogspot.co.uk

  3. It was nice to get to know you w bit better :) I'm such a nervous flyer as well! x

    Mummy’s Beauty Corner

  4. Its lovely reading such a post where we get to know you a little better, especially because I'm always tuning in to your new posts!
    I currently go to the University of Birmingham (i'm a second year English student) so it nice to see good things have happened since!x

    1. Thank you so much :) and I'm sure you will do very well once you graduate xx

  5. A lovely post to read and get to know you a little more ☺️ And good luck with your new job

    Lucy | lucyalana@blogspot.co.uk

  6. Interesting read Jasmine! Hope you're enjoying the new job!

    Danielle's Beauty Blog

  7. I loved getting to know you better, sounds like an amazing life you have had so far!
    Hannah | Heyitshannaah

  8. Lovely post! It's always nice to get to know a bit more about my favourite bloggers :) Your job sounds really interesting!

    Jess xo

    1. I'm really happy to be one of your faves :) and yeah it definitely is! xx

  9. Great post! Lovely to know more about you! xx


  10. I always wondered about your ethnicity, could really put my finger on it ;) Lovely post Jasmine! I feel the same way about traveling - and especially flying! I love traveling, being in another country, but I hate TRAVELING, being on a train or a plane or even a car. I'm always so thankful when I get to my destination ;)

    Love, Charline | Charline Has a Blog

  11. I loved reading this, it's so lovely finding out more about the blogger behind the blog! xx
    Sarah x

    1. Thank you! I'm glad people actually found it interesting xx

  12. I love these kind of posts, it's always interesting to find out more about who's behind the blog. Hope everything is going well with your new job!

    Amy | Get Glam

  13. This was really interesting! I think you're a great writer so you should just go for it :)

    Velvet Blush

    1. Aww thank you! That's so lovely for you to say xx

  14. Loved reading this, Jasmine! :) The Prestige is one of my fave films too!xx

    Laura | Lala London: Beauty & Lifestyle

  15. Ahh I love these kind of posts - I really ought to do one myself x


  16. Aw this made for such a lovely read Jasmine! It really is nice to get to know the blogger behind the blog, especially as I've been reading your blog for a while now. Good luck in your new job and getting your qualifications alongside it :) x
    Charlotte's Road // Beauty, Fashion + Lifestyle

  17. This was so nice getting to know more about you Jasmine! I'm also a feminist and have been an on-off pescatarian for a few years now (I've had some major health issues that have caused my on-off commitment).


  18. I love those 3 films too. I remember how shocked I was the first time I watched The Prestige <3

    1. I know I remember thinking it had so many twists! xx

  19. Really nice to get to know you better. Very interesting to learn that you only got into beauty 1 year ago and that your dream is to become an author. I think starting the blog was a great step towards it and you're doing really well so I'm sure you'll accomplish your dream at some point. Just try not to put limits to yourself and your creativity. Like you said, it can't get worse than writing and publishing your content on the internet. :) xx

    Renata | Diorshow Mascara Giveaway

    1. Yeah I do really want to and blogging has given me some confidence that I can do it :) xx

  20. This was a really interesting post, I love finding out more info about the bloggers behind the blogs I read. Mean Girls is such a classic, how can anyone not love that film? Your life also sounds crazy busy but really exciting too!


  21. This was a really interesting post, it's always nice to meet more of the person behind the blog! I loved studying Philosophy, I did Philosophy for A-Levels but I don't miss the constant over thinking and the deep debates about life and God to then coming to no conclusion... I love that you're a pescatarian! I wish I had the will power to be one :)

    Mollie x

    1. Haha it can be frustrating, I liked having the balance of a Joint Honours degree xx

  22. I love your posts and getting to know the blogger ones are really refreshing and nice.

    And I love cats too, I wish I could have them too, but my husbands says he will bbq them (basically he doesn't likes them) haha.

    Sam || Beautydetour

  23. I loved learning more about you :) you should definitely add more personal posts in now and then! I love that you have cats and are a feminist, that instantly makes you awesome in my rules ;) hahah! I definitely think we have a lot in common.

  24. Also a feminist. Loved reading this post and getting to know you better, great idea.


  25. I love these kind of posts and it's nice to know a bit more about you. I am the same and only really got into beauty around a year ago and now it is a big part of my life :)

    Pams Stuff and Things

    1. It's crazy how quickly these hobbies escalate haha xx

  26. I really like getting to know the person behind the blog I like so much! It was a really fun read. I am a dry humored, over thinker myself, so I get that! haha Lovely post, Jasmine!

  27. Really enjoyed reading this, nice to know more about you! I enjoy your writing style, and correct spellings etc, I can be a pedant with blogs hahaha. I love random fact 8, makes me happy to know that completing a degree in a certain area doesn't put you in a box and restrict your career options! I like my options open for sure haha. It'd be interesting to know how you're finding financial services in a few months, I consider it a possible career path too once I graduate next year :D
    Nicole | ...What Nikki Did...

    1. Haha I'm glad about that, though I'm sure I still make mistakes! And yeah definitely, don't let people feel like you need to fit into a certain box :) xx

  28. These posts are awesome to read, it's always nice to know a little more about the blogger ^_^
    Good luck with your new graduate scheme, it seems tough but exciting and I'm sure it'll be rewarding too!
    You're so inspiring blogging wise, you've worked very hard and got far in a year! Keep at it, it didn't take long for your blog to become a favourite at all <3
    Iqra |The Blushing Giraffe x

    1. Yeah I definitely hope so :) and that's so sweet, I'm glad you enjoy reading and always leave such lovely comments! xx

  29. It's always so lovely to read a personal post especially from a favourite blogger. I am so surprised someone else loves the Film Prestige...I can't even tell you how many times I watched it (I am totally obsessed😀)...xx

    1. I love it! I feel like I notice something new each time I watch it :) xx

  30. I'm glad you enjoyed it and thank you :) xx

  31. Thank you for the positive feedback on this post :) I was a little hesitant to do something more personal but I definitely will be more often now xx

  32. This is such an awesome post! Thanks for writing it!! I'm a vegetarian and i LOVE Requiem for a Dream. Though I agree it's not an easy film to watch, especially the last 20min!! Your honesty is awesome btw :D

    Hailey | www.haileysworkshop.com

  33. More post like this one! :)


  34. Lovely post Jas, you're not just a pretty face, hope you do well with a career in writing in the future. Love the fact you take life so light-heartedly.I used to, until life probs & health started to change my views..but then I'm older ;). Fab blog & always love your creative images.
    Heidi x


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