4 Products for Softer Lips

It's taken me about 10 years to finally realise that a certain petroleum jelly really doesn't do much for me! I've moved away from greasy products that sit on top of your lips to getting a decent lip care routine in place and these are 4 products guaranteed to give you softer lips.

I have a pretty un-seasonal Santa colour-flavoured Lush scrub, however it just goes to show how long these last! It can get a little messy but before bed I give my lips a firm but gentle scrub with this sugar-based formula over the sink. It does a really great job of removing dead skin from the surface of my lips without being too harsh.

Essentially a miracle product but one that's far too white and creamy to wear during the day. So after I use the Lush lip scrub (around once a week) I apply a good layer of this overnight and my in the morning my lips are unbelievably soft.

For in-between more intensive treatments and to keep moisture-levels up I use the Dr. Pawpaw balm. It has a non-greasy, clear formula that sits comfortably on the lips (though no product should be this hard to squeeze out of the tube!) You can easily wear this underneath lipstick (without ruining the finish) and this is my go-to for the daytime. This is a multi-purpose balm but I do find it works best on my lips. It's a little rich for me to use all over my face however I've applied it overnight to dry patches around my nose and it worked really nicely at leaving these areas soft and supple by the time I woke up the next morning.

For a super-casual day I often just throw on one of my Fresh Sugar Lip Treatments for a combined subtle lip colour and some nourishment for my lips. I find this formula kind of like a stick version of the Dr. Pawpaw, as it feels so similar on the lips. Vice versa, if these are a little outside your price-range or they're too tricky to get hold of, definitely try the Dr. Pawpaw (which I've spotted in Boots stores). You can see my full review and swatches of the Fresh Sugar Lip Treatments here.

What are your favourite products for soft lips?


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  1. I need to try the Blistex Intensive Moisturiser because my lips have been really sore and dry these past few days

    Emma emhasrednails

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I've recently been using the EOS mint lip balm that I used to not like, but maybe because it's the summer and my lips aren't very dry, it's been working really well!


    2. Ooh I've recently tried EOS but not this flavour - sounds lovely! xx

  3. Lovely picks! I try to choose products without petroleum jelly too; I've been meaning to try the Dr. Paw Paw balm for a while now! :)

    Style Sunrise☀


  4. I love the lip scrub from Lush and I have the Christmas one too :) I find that any lip balm is pretty much all I need but I do like to use the Nuxe reve de miel at night :)

    Pams Stuff and Things | Tarte Palette Giveaway

    1. I've been meaning to try this one for ages! xx

  5. The lush lip scrub sounds amazing, would love to try that out! x http://coffeeatmidnight13.blogspot.co.uk/

  6. I swear by Lush's Lip Scrub (I have mine in the bubblegum flavour) as it's so gentle but does a great job at removing any dry skin x


  7. Great picks! I love Lush lip scrubs so much that I have 3 of them, although my santa one has gone pretty hard and the flavouring has become really watery which is strange! The Dr Paw Paw balm is fab although it is definitely super hard to dispense, I had to pierce mine with a pen at first!! The Malin and Goetz lip balm is my favourite for creating soft lips, the formula is amazing! x

    Toni x

    1. Ooh I have a sample of that - looking forward to trying it! xx

  8. I love Lush lip scrubs and the Dr PawPaw balm too. Such good products!

    Laura | lauzylouu

  9. PawPaw is such a great product.
    I can't use the Lush Scrub because the oil in it breaks me out something fierce!
    Angie x | Chocolate & Lipstick || UK Beauty and Lifestyle Blog

  10. I've been reading so many good reviews on the Dr. PawPaw Balm lately! It really seems a great product and I really want to try it now and see if it would help me with dry patches too because they're so uncomfortable! Xx


  11. The Dr Paw Paw one is an essential in my handbag this summer x
    Emma | Emmys Beauty Cave

  12. I love the idea of the Lush Lip Scrub although mine doesn't all stick together anymore so it's really difficult to use. Dr PawPaw sounds so nice!

    Katya | The Beauty Harbour

  13. I love the Fresh Lip Treatments! They work so well and look so nice on.

    xo, Liz

  14. I've been meaning to try a lip scrub, the Lush one sounds fab (I've always had a massive crush on their products!). Do you reckon it's worth the purchase? I'm torn between the Lush one and the revered Sara Happ one! Xx

    Shaqinah from Shoes and Roses xx

    1. I really recommend the Lush one however I haven't tried the other one so can't comment on that :) xx

  15. I love the lush lip scrub! It's the best for keeping my lips lipstick ready. I definitely want to try the Dr. Paw Paw balm - I've seen it on a few blogs recently and it seems like it's great for moisturizing as you've said xx

    Love and Marmalade

  16. The Lush lip scrub is a must! I have the popcorn flavour and I love it! I always use mine in the morning to prepare my lips for lipstick (and rub the foundation off them haha)

    Danielle's Beauty Blog

  17. Fab picks sweet, I really love the Lush lip scrubs I end up going through so many but they are so effective :) I love the packaging for the Fresh Sugar Lip Treatment, and this sounds amazing - definitely need to try it out :)

    Charlee XO | CharmedCharlee

  18. I really love the Fresh lip balm though it is so pricey. Right now I'm using the Bobbi Balm lip balm (which is a little petroleum like but so good) as well as the Yu-Be lip balm which is so nourishing and tingly in a nice way on the lips.

    Beauty Isles | An Island Girl's Beauty and Lifestyle Blog

  19. I love Lush lip scrubs. They're great since you can eat them, you can scrub that annoying lipstick.gloss ring on your inner lip. It also works so well. :) xx

  20. The Fresh Sugar Lip Treatment sounds incredible!

    Sara - She Who Is Short

  21. Fresh Sugar Lip Treatments are soo lovely, and they leave lips feeling so incredibly soft. I also love using Nuxe Reve de Miel at night, it's so moisturizing and I can still feel the product the next morning - and not in a bad way. Love how all of your picks are so affordable :)

    Cindy // www.cindyhyue.com

    1. A few people have recommended the Nuxe - I need to get round to trying it! xx

  22. I really want to try a Fresh Sugar Lip treatment - They always sound so lovely x


  23. I need to get that intense white lip balm, as I always go to bed wearing it. Love the lip scrubs from Lush as well, they make a huge difference!

    Kat | www.kathorrocks.com

  24. I love the LUSH lip scrubs!
    Have you tried the Nuxe Reve de Miel lipbalm? It's so soft!

    Sophie x

    1. So many people have recommended this - definitely going into my next Cult Beauty order :) xx

  25. The blistex moisturiser is my go-to! I love the stuff and I don't really know why I stray and pick up other stuff when I know it works so well for me (that beauty blogger trait haha)
    Iqra |The Blushing Giraffe x

  26. My go-to product to repair my lips and one I would recommend highly is the Lanolips 101 Ointment Balm. It's almost pure lanolin (the natural oil in sheep wool!) and is SO moisturising. I think it's a really underrated beauty product. However, the Dr PawPaw balm sounds quite similar so it looks like you're covered at the moment! Also, thanks for reminding me to pick up a new lip scrub next time I'm in Lush :)
    Rebecca | The Two Twenty Somethings

  27. I love the Lush lip scrub and Fresh Sugar Lip Treatment! I haven't used the Lush lip scrub in a long time though and I usually only take the Fresh lip balm with me when I'm going somewhere.
    Usually I use a really thick cream called Bepanthen from the pharmacy. It's really good if your lips are chapped and you can use it on your skin too :)x

    Anu | My life as Anu | bloglovin

  28. Thank you for all the comments and I'm pleased you found some products you like the look of and also recommended me a few! xx


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