There are several things that are slightly unusual about me, especially as a beauty blogger. I've never watched a full episode of Made in Chelsea, the Only Way is Essex or Keeping Up With the Kardashians. I used to eat a large bar of Galaxy Cookie Crumble every single day. I also don't aspire to be a full-time blogger.
I feel like when you have a blog it's assumed you'd like to be a full-time blogger or in the very least have some sort of a career in the fashion, beauty or marketing industries. Maybe I'm an exception but that's really not the case for me. Some people would love to be full-time bloggers and actively work towards it, some would do it if the opportunity presented itself but keep their options open and others just don't really see that for themselves. I think I fall squarely into the final category, though every blogger's goals, priorities, skills, personalities and circumstances contribute to where we fit in.
I have a lot of other interests
I can definitely see why so many full-time bloggers and YouTubers end up moving a little bit away from beauty over time. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE beauty but a lot of my spare time is taken up by it, so I can't really imagine my career being based around it too! I like that I explore a huge variety of interests and topics through my career. I definitely think blogging utilises a huge array of skills but the scope of things I've learnt about after a year or so in the workplace has been staggering and that's how I like it.
I'm a bit 'corporate'
I know 'corporate' is a bit of a pejorative but there are a lot of aspects about the corporate environment that seem to suit me well. I like going out to work. I like moving around the country for meetings and workshops. I like having a training framework with a clear progression for my career. I like working amongst a diverse range of people every day, learning how to collaborate and gaining experience. I like expanding my technical knowledge and developing my negotiation skills. I like the reassurance of a steady, guaranteed income. I like even just getting out of the house every day! I may moan about early mornings and mountains of emails but when it comes down to it, I get restless even on a weekend if I spend all day indoors!
It doesn't fit with my ambitions and goals
Following on from that, I just see my career taking place as a progression within a company, gaining knowledge and experience through years of work. I couldn't really imagine working for myself at this age and I don't think I'd be comfortable with the uncertainty of not knowing what I'll be earning month-on-month or not really knowing how to progress my career. Also I guess there's the uncertainty of whether it could be your long-term career or not; if it would still hold your interest in 20 years time or if there'd even be a market for it (not that you have to stay in the same job for 20 years, but still!) I guess these are all equally applicable to running a business or being self-employed in any capacity though!
'Real life' keeps me down to earth
I may have just got a load of "makeup goals", *heart eye emoji*, "I love your photos" comments on my latest Instagram post but I uploaded it whilst squished against a luggage rack on the commuter train I had to shove my way onto... Without taking anything whatsoever away from the work that goes into blogging (trust me, I fully appreciate that!) I do find it incredible to see some of the big vloggers complain about how hard it is to produce two 5-minute videos a week when it's their full-time job and how difficult it is to wake up before 9am once in a blue moon. Yes, a lot of creativity, skill and hours of work go into producing those videos but the way some people go on you'd think they were being worked like Junior Doctors... They're very fortunate to be in their position and work for themselves largely to their own schedule (all pros of full-time blogging or vlogging) so I think a little gratitude and perspective wouldn't go amiss. Particularly when many bloggers are working other (often quite demanding) full-time jobs whilst putting out regular, high-quality content.
Blogging is my 'fun thing'
Blogging is the fun thing I do to relax once I come in from work and I never want to have to force creativity or feel like I have to do it. I also think it would also be really hard for me to 'analyse' myself and have things like number of followers be one of the measures of my career performance. I'm not that comfortable with sharing my personal life online either and whether it's comments accusing them of having plastic surgery or criticising their romantic relationships, the 'big' bloggers and YouTubers are under a lot of scrutiny.
Do you want to be a full-time blogger? Why/why not?
This is a great post - I feel exactly the same as you! I enjoy learning, going out to work, suiting up etc, I just don't think I would enjoy full-time blogging... x
ReplyDeleteNINEGRANDSTUDENT: A Student Lifestyle Blog
This is an interesting post!! While I applaud full time bloggers for being young entrepreneurs and working for themselves, I don't think I can be a full time blogger. TI am a Pharmacist and most of my career passions are around healthcare and management. Blogging is my escape. I think one of the reasons some vloggers/bloggers may find it difficult to wake up early is because there is no cut off time to end work. They usually work till super late at night whereas non-full time bloggers know they can end work by a certain time in the evening....xx
ReplyDeleteI guess so but you could also say the same for non-full-time bloggers who use their evenings to blog. I don't think they shouldn't feel a certain way I just think it's a little tactless to moan about it publicly when their subscribers could have professions like being nurses etc xx
DeleteI couldn't agree more! Moan to your hearts content, just not online for all your subscribers to see! Nurses, doctors, lawyers, engineers, accountants... they're all out there working long, hard days, and that's after they've put themselves through university!
DeleteI agree to both points and it is so true. I would not dream of moaning about my job in front of my employers per say so I guess they should adopt the same attitude and not moan all the time knowing subscribers would be watching as well.. not that subscribers are equal to employers but in a way the number of subscribers can influence income :-))... thanks lovelies..xx
DeleteTotally agree. Sometimes I think moany thoughts (sometimes justified, sometimes a bit self-pitying haha) but I'd probably just call a friend or my boyfriend for a moan instead of doing it in front of someone who might think I'm being a bit of a spoilt grad! Xx
DeleteDon't get me wrong, I love blogging but it's totally a hobby for me! I think if I *had* to do it, it would take all the fun out of it x
ReplyDeleteHolly ∣ Closingwinter
I literally agree with every single point you made, although I do sort of half fall in between category two and the last one. I love blogging! Certainly I do. But is it something I want to do? I think it's more writing that I'd love to do full time rather than blogging itself. I'd love to get a degree in English lit and creative writing and go from there. Working from home would be great too but at the same time I could see myself getting a pretty bad case of cabin fever...
ReplyDeleteYeah I know what you mean - I would happily work from home one or two days a week but not all the time xx
DeleteI'm the same as you Jasmine. Lots of the points you made are why I couldn't and wouldn't want to be a blogger as a career. I like to know where I stand and you just wouldn't get that as a full time blogger. Blogging is my little escape and hopefully, that's how it will stay!
ReplyDeleteMusings & More
I agree that some of the bigger bloggers and vloggers should gain a little perspective. I absolutely hate seeing people moan about how 'hard' blogging is and how badly PR treat them etc. I commute too, to central London. Even though I'm only commuting for university, the early mornings and the travelling really takes it out of me; I can only image how it feels to do all that and do a full day of work! I graduate soon, so I guess I'm about to find out! Meantime, full time bloggers are sitting in their living rooms sipping on hot chocolate whilst writing/filming, or at the very most, travelling to an event (which sounds nicer than work, doesn't it? Free champagne, goodie bags...). Some bloggers would kill to be in their position! I started blogging as a way to revive my love of writing, but after deciding on a change in career path, I am also hoping it will complement some of my applications xx
ReplyDeleteLaura | Lala London: Beauty & Lifestyle
I can imagine that commute is so draining - I hate it when I go down to London for a meeting and that's only every so often! Best of luck with your new career path and blogging displays so many skills I'm sure it'll serve you well xx
DeleteThis is such an interesting post! I really want to be a full time blogger but i also have loads of other things i want to do and blogging already takes up a lot of my time, but i still love it! xxx
ReplyDeletelovely post,
Daizy from| xx
I'm going to be the one to disagree. I do want blogging to become my full time job. I'm really working hard to be able to make money from my blog/brand in the future, that's my dream. But I love how you KNOW for yourself what you want out of it, it's so good to see different goals and different expectations from bloggers. Thank you for sharing your side of the story!
Not at all haha, for every single one of these you can flip it and just as easily argue the opposite for your personal circumstances, goals and ways of working :) xx
DeleteI have to say that if I had the opportunity to earn money from blogging I would do it as it would fit great around my commitments and life with two small children (I've been stay-at-home mum for a few years). Also for different reasons, I can't see me continuing my career as a chemistry teacher and I'm actually thinking of changing a career and because beauty is my great passion I think I would be happy doing it and earning money.
ReplyDeleteBut I totally understand your point. You're very young, you recently graduated, you have your ambitions and plans, job that you're passionate about so it would be probably silly to give it all up for very uncertain career.
I see many big bloggers complaining about different things and I get their frustrations but isn't that the case with any job, career? There will always be something that bothers us in any job or we're fed up with the amount of work. I think they should be more grateful that they're able to do what they love and are passionate about and not only earn money to pat their bills but also being invited to so many glamorous events :) x
Mummy’s Beauty Corner
I definitely see how it would fit around your lifestyle and therefore be appealing :)
DeleteI feel like I never hear them complain about valid things like not knowing how to progress or not having the chance to work with other people every day haha. I definitely agree that they, as we all should, could show a little more gratitude. I often feel lucky to work a (sort of) 9-5 instead of antisocial shift hours like a lot of the workforce in this country do xx
Yessssss. All of the props to you for writing this, Jasmine. I feel exactly the same. I love to write and I would be happy if my blog earned me a little money, but I don't want to take it full-time. I have career prospects and interests outside of this. It is a hobby and a way to hone my writing skills, for me. I do love blogs and bloggers but seeing people who do it full-time whine about it does get my back up at times!
ReplyDeleteRachel |
Loved reading this Jasmine! I work full time too and often do get asked when I will go full time, and I have even considered it recently too. Like you I like having more of a structure, a routine that my current career path offers me and my blog does fit nicely around that. I like the guaranteed income and I enjoy having to balance both of them - not all the time mind :)
ReplyDeleteLoved the point about the comparison to junior doctors, that really does put everything into perspective and a lot of people, myself included, forget that.
Zoe Newlove Beauty Blogger & MUA
Hi! ♥ I believe if I had to do blogging full time it would indeed take away the fun part of it, its important for me to remember why I started this, as a fun hobby where I got to share my interests and thought with others :)
ReplyDeleteHave a great week!
x Josune @ Your Beauty Script
I know where you are coming from although I think I'd like to do it full time (although not for forever!) x
ReplyDeleteHeather | Of Beauty & Nothingness x
Such a wonderful and honest post. I have to agree that I used to want to be a full time blogger but these days not so much. Like you I still love beauty but have many other things in my life that I also love. I have been thinking about giving it up to be honest as it can be a lot of work. But still not sure what I am going to do :)
ReplyDeletePams Stuff and Things
I know what you mean - if your blog is your job I can imagine it being hard to change the direction of your blog without worrying you'll lose your audience! I would be sad if you stopped blogging but you have to do what's right for you xx
DeleteGreat post, i believe if it was a full time job it would take the fun out of it, now you see it as fun and creative. I also believe that blogging is educational, thats why i started to do it, its a challenge as ive just stared, something new.
I love how honest this post is and it's always great to read a lil more personal post! Personally, I wouldn't mind taking my blog full time. I pretty much do it now since I'm unemployed, but I don't earn anything from it. Also because I have a lot of anxiety based around jobs, I think doing something I love and enjoy on my own terms would suit me perfect. But then as you mentioned, I think having that need to get out of bed, get ready and leave the house to take on the day is so important to have. It definitely keep's you motivated x
ReplyDeleteLauren |
Some really interesting points here, Jasmine. I think it's great that you're so comfortable in your own career AND manage to have such a successful blog whilst maintaining a refreshing level of reality. If I had the opportunity, I would love to blog full time but also I really enjoy my job! :) With me, I work in beauty PR so things tend to overlap a little, and I spend all my time already working with beauty...
ReplyDelete*ponders entire existence*
Your job sounds so glamorous and to be honest the two are so related that you could easily take a career break to try out full-time blogging and have something to go back to as you'd have gained valuable experience if it wasn't for you. It's pretty much ideal as if you love it then great, if not then there's no 'what do I do now?' :) xx
DeleteI think it's great that you know exactly what you want Jasmine and it never ceases to amaze me how creatively and consistently you blog despite working full time. It may be something you do for fun, but you're very committed. I've already gone as far as I wanted to in my career (in PR) and spent years climbing that ladder and working under intense pressure for agencies, in-house and on a freelance basis. I now have two young children and it suits me to work from home, blogging and writing full time. I love what I do and feel very lucky to be able to do it. There are times that I've had to take a step back because of other things going on in my life, which I'd rather do than pumping out content just for the sake of it. I think that being true to ourselves, our own goals and dreams is the most important thing.
ReplyDeleteNic xx StrawberryBlondeBeauty
PR and blogging go hand in hand and I guess once you have kids your priorities and lifestyle change so much. But if you ever wanted to go back into PR you probably could very easily with so much experience on both sides of the fence. And I definitely agree it's important to stay passionate about what you're doing even if it is to generate an income at the same time :) xx
DeleteYes definitely, people often say 'I don't want to blog because I have to'. For me it was more a case of I love blogging; this is what I want to do all the time. Making this a reality hasn't affected my passion for it and if it ever did, I'd move on to something else. :) x
DeleteI totally agree – I find blogging a fun pastime. I think if it was to be a full-time job, it would take the enjoyment out of it.
ReplyDeleteI do watch a lot of online vloggers’ daily vlogs though, and their lives look pretty exciting. I wouldn’t mind that lifestyle ;)
- Lubna | The Digital Review
So interesting to hear that you don't want to be one and that it's only your hobbie! The part about real life is so true, I hate it when famous/big youtubers/blogger complain because really other people would love to do what they're doing!
ReplyDeleteCharlotte //
I wholeheartedly agree with this. While my job IS centered around the beauty industry, and I'm a beauty blogger, that is not my whole life. If I could make money from my blog, that would be awesome, but I don't blog because I think I'll make money from it. I couldn't imagine my entire life being my blog, I get irritated when it just takes up too much of my week. Props to people that CAN do it, and want to do it, but I'm just not in it. I really loved this post!
ReplyDeletebrooke | brooke elise
For me blogging is just a hobby, it has helped me alot since an accident i had where i haven't been mobile for nearly two years and it has kept my mind busy. I also enjoy drawing alot, i don't think i could ever do blogging full time.
ReplyDeleteEmma | Emmys Beauty Cave | Bloglovin
Yeah it can certainly be a great escape! xx
DeleteWell said! I couldn't do full time blogging although I would love the lie ins, I just don't have enough ideas to keep me going haha. Really beginning to despise my full time job so I need to have a think about what direction I want to go in and blogging (both writing and reading) is a great release for me! Never get why the big bloggers/vloggers whinge to their viewers either, keep it for nearest and dearest!
ReplyDeleteDanielle's Beauty Blog
Agreed - it really is tactless, they should have the sense to moan in private like the rest of us haha xx
DeleteI loved this post. I agree with you. I like getting out of bed, being busy actually doing loads of things, being sociable. When I'm on holiday and I have more time to blog, I get restless because I'm home too much haha
ReplyDeleteCreepers & Cupcakes
Great post. I am the same, i have a full time career and blogging for me is a hobby. Sure it may bring some opportunities with it but I started blogging because i wanted to express my self creatively and makeup and beauty is something I love. I want blogging to be my happy place not something that becomes stressful as I already have that at work! xx
Jasmine, this is perfectly written and we're totally on the same page! Blogging is my down-time and fun hobby, I'd never want it to become a chore or do it because I feel I have to
ReplyDeleteStyle Sunrise☀
YES! This topic has actually been on my mind for a while now, mainly when my love of youtube disappeared. I got so fed up of listening to people complain about their life and how much of it was online, how hard it was to be "youtube famous" I was just done with it. If they were truly unhappy they would delete their account and just STOP. No one is forcing them, but they stay for the income, for the attention, and it isn't fun to watch/see.
ReplyDeleteThis is why I would never become a full time blogger, feeling like I HAVE to post to make money, doing things and posting things for the income rather than because you genuinely love it. I am at college at the moment, and once I am done with this and when we move and choose to have more children I know my love of blogging will go, juggling work & family something will give, and it will be this, so for now I am loving it - but I know if I stop loving it - if it begins to feel like a chore I can take a step back and stop if I want to, my hobby, up to me :)
I know what you mean, you could end up in a position where you have to accept a sponsored post you don't really want to for the income! And I total agree that if I fell out of love with blogging it would disappear from my life quickly as there are so many other things to juggle that there's no point treating it like a chore xx
DeleteI can definitely agree with the last one, although if one day opportunity will come by, I'll definitely grab the chance to make this my career! I've always had my music stuff as a hobby as well. That being said, I'd still love it if one day I could make a career out of my music and have the blog as a fun hobby aside!
ReplyDeleteKind of makes me wonder why I studied Interior Design :'D
Love, Charline | Charline Has a Blog
*bows down to this post*
ReplyDeleteWith so many bloggers announcing they are blogging 'full-time' it does sometimes make me feel like I'm doing things wrong. I keep reading all these posts about how I have to create a product to sell to make my blog a business...and that doesn't appeal to me (right now anyway).
And yes, blogging is my fun hobby. Once it feels like work, then I lose the passion for it and I don't want to do it anymore. I've taken a few breaks from my book blog over the last 4 years because of this reason. I need it to stay fun.
I've been a stay at home mom the last two years and lately I've been really missing the 'work' environment of having an actual place to work and interacting with other adults. When I used to work full time, I still found time to help my kids with homework, cook clean and blogging at night was my 'unwind' time.
And OMG, I can't stand all those youtubers complain about how they have to edit a video or how long it takes to upload. It's like, sorry is it taking time away from your sleeping/watching tv/shopping time??? Be thankful that you can ever do this.
Anyway, love this post. I have a book and another beauty blog and I don't know if I want to post pictures of myself out there. There are only a few close bloggers who even know what I look like. You don't have to fit a certain mold to be a blogger, no matter what your niche may be :)
Nereyda│ This Girl Is Obsessed
I know what you mean - I don't want to 'sell' my blog, I want to have fun with it! :) I feel similarly about the photos of yourself all over the internet. People can be really funny about not seeing products on your face but I've never been into that xx
DeleteWhat a great post! May I ask where is your background from?
It's an adhesive, there's a post on my blog about how I made it xx
DeleteSuch an interesting post, Jasmine! I'd love to be blogging full time, but I just don't feel like I have enough time to devote to it to get it to that point right now. It would be so much work, and what if I decide I don't like it anymore? So many things to consider haha! Lovely post :)
ReplyDeletexo Kiki
this was such a great post to read! I used to think being a full time blogger would be my dream job and something that I would aspire too but since starting Uni I have realised it wouldn't be the perfect career for me. I love doing it as a hobby and it's something I look forward to doing so wouldn't like to feel pressured into doing it or feel guilty for not posting regularly, I think a more conventional job is more for me where I have clear progression and a more 'workplace' environment xx
I agree completely! Many people have made a career in blogging and while I really enjoy it, I'm working towards having a different job that is much more stable and (personally) I think it would be a lot more rewarding. Plus, I think if blogging turned into work I wouldn't enjoy it as much.
My sentiments exactly! xx
DeleteI laughed out loud at your point about vloggers moaning about being sooooooooooo busy when they only put out 2 videos a week - when I'm watching youtube & comments like that are made & the vloggers are only getting up at 10/11 etc, if my husband is in the room & hears it, he laughs & can't understand why they're moaning! It's like they are out of touch with reality! It does make me laugh!
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed this post! xx
Such a great, honest post. Whilst I'm not exactly the same as you (I'm in full time corporate at the moment and hate it), I definitely don't see blogging as a full time career for me. I do want to work for myself but through a business - where like you want, I can leave the house and enjoy the outside world and help others. :)
ReplyDeleteLoved this post!
Tahana <3
I absolutely agree with this post. I wouldn't mind being a full time blogger as I enjoy the informality of it but I've seen how lonely it can be working from home first hand, no matter what career path you choose. I do also think bigger bloggers become out of sync with reality after a while because let’s face it, they can work about 4-6 hours a week uploading one video or blog post and get paid £2,000. They don’t feel the need to put the effort in anymore because it’s just so easy for them, which is a shame.
ReplyDeleteNatasha Kendall | Beauty and Lifestyle
Yes I think it would come as a shock if their popularity ever declined and they had to start putting serious work into maintaining it or even start exploring other options xx
DeleteI agree with you, as I have kept going with my blog I have wanted to push it outside of beauty. Not that I have lost my passion for beauty, but I like the idea of sharing other things too. I had a feeling I might want to do that which is why I named my blog as I did, because it leaves room to add some lifestyle bits. haha I like your attitude and honesty. I feel like there is a bit of preasure to treat a blog as business when it is sometimes just for fun. :)
This was an amazing post! I love having makeup and blogging as my hobby, an interest on the side. But as for my actual career, it's nice to spread myself to other areas and experience different things throughout my day!
ReplyDeletexx, A Little Dose of Makeup
Love this post! I agree with everything you say! I like to blog as an outtake to my normal routine and when I graduate it will be for the same reason. I can imagine it being quite lonely actually and I hate my own company.
ReplyDeleteLucy |
What a fantastic and honest post. I definitely agree that for some people blogging is their fun hobby that they come home to after work, and that pressure of wanting it to be a full time gig can take the fun out of it. I too have a wide variety of interests, which is why I specifically made my blog beauty and lifestyle earlier on to set my reader's expectations - as I honestly do want to make it full time one day, I like knowing that I can share all my passions as well as makeup :) I think it's awesome that you're so in touch with yourself and what you want!
ReplyDeleteKat |
Thank you :) and I totally agree, I am open to branching out into more topics on my blog in the future xx
DeleteThis is such an interesting post! I totally agree with your about blogging being your fun thing, for me it's a nice way to chill out and forget about everything else that's going on so for it to be a job I wonder if it takes away the fun!
ReplyDeleteLauren Ashleigh xx
I completely agree with this, I don't want to be a full time blogger! I am a fourth year medical student and am just way too sciency to only have a creative based job, I think. Plus, I agree, having a clear career outline is very satisfying. I love that blogging is just my "fun" thing and I never really have to force it; if I dont wanna, I don't hafta! Perfect set up!
toast the girl almighty
I thoroughly enjoyed this post, Jasmine! You are so right with all those reasons why blogging is not in the books for many as a full-time gig. While some crave blogging as a career more than anything, others know how to look past it and actually want to enjoy A) their "real life" and B) blogging as a hobby and passion.
ReplyDeleteIt's a great topic to explore and it was lovely to read this well-written post, hon.
xox Nadia
Even though I might not be happy with my current job, I love being an engineer and I see blogging as a hobby, which takes most of my free time. Leaving a job to be a full-time blogger/youtuber is a big commitment, I mean think that what if your interests change then you lose your motivation, right? Good to know that I'm not the only one who gets annoyed when Youtubers complain about getting up early to travel or get things done, well most of us do that all the time! x
ReplyDeleteEla BellaWorld
Yeah it is annoying when they complain about waking up at half 6 or getting a train or needing to run errands - most of us do those things everyday! xx
DeleteI haven't seen a post like this before, so well done for putting it out there! I would love to generate some form of income from writing, because it's such a passion of mine, but I don't think I could do it full time - I'd be scared I'd lose that passion! xx
ReplyDeleteRamblings of a Beauty Bird | Beauty Blog
This was such a interesting post to read. I definitely love hearing about people's opinion and thoughts on blogging as a career. I definitely want to make something come out of blogging but i do see myself needing something else, still in the realm of the beauty industry but something that would get me out of the house.
Very honest and well written. I can tell how much thought you put into this post! I really admire this!
ReplyDeletexx, ALYSSA-MAY.COM
I loved reading this post as it's something that gives me a lot of pause for thought recently and as you say, not withstanding the effort that full time bloggers put in I think they sometimes forget what it's like in the real world.
ReplyDeleteI enjoy my job 99% of the time and love the structure and reason to get up in the morning. I love the office banter, the work, the achievements and the pleasures that come with that. Sitting in my pjs on my laptop sounds great, as does being surrounded by make up but when I think about it I'm sure the novelty would wear off.
It does grate on me sometimes though when you hear about the 'full timers' saying 'I'm treating myself to an early night' or 'I'm having the weekend off' or similar statements when I think I work '9-5' in a day job and in amongst that I'm doing all the blogging things and weekends are spent photographing and writing content etc. Of course it suits me, its my hobby and I love it but there is a lot of eye rolling when you hear some of the things people come out with.
You sound just like me! :) Completely agree with everything you've said xx
DeleteBrilliant post! I love doing a bit of blogging, but like you, it's my fun thing, I have a job, a kid, a man, a house and all that needs to come first. I love blogging as a little outlet and I think I get as much, if not more enjoyment from reading blogs. Good luck to those who make a career out of it, I'm not disciplined enough to work for myself if I'm truly honest lols.
ReplyDeleteThe Beauty Bloss
A very nicely written post. The most important aspect of having a blog is that you enjoy it, and if it's your fun thing and a method of displaying your enjoyments on-line, you have every right to keep it that way.
ReplyDeleteA blog is no longer fun if it becomes a chore.
You have many ambitions and that's a wonderful thing.
You have the right attitude here and your honesty is great :)
Laura xx
Loved this post! I'm the exact same, as much as I love it I just don't think it would be for me x
ReplyDeleteDarling Jordan
Loved this post Jasmine! Recently I've been wondering whether I'd like to turn blogging into a full time job and the idea honestly scares me. I like knowing where the next pay check is coming from and that it's enough to cover all my expenses. Like you said, it's also my fun thing and I'd worry that if it ever became my job I'd lose that. But then at the same time, I'm not entirely sure what I want to do with my life career wise, I'm currently studying Graphic Design and I'm starting to wonder whether I even want to go into it as a job. It's a confusing time haha. Totally agree about some big vloggers complaining. I understand it may be hard work at times but I see so many complain about getting just one video out a week when there are others still at uni, balancing multiple jobs and getting numerous videos out a week and getting paid a fraction of what the bigger vloggers make. x
ReplyDeleteMegan |
Drawing to the end of your studies is always a confusing time! It's definitely ok and normal not to know what you want yet :) xx
DeleteWell, you'd never know you weren't a professional blogger looking at your blog because it's beautiful but I totally agree with your reasons for not wanting to be one. I see so many bloggers who talk about how desperately they want to do it for a living etc which is great but i agree, it's just not for me. I think I just wouldn't feel secure in it and it's just something I love doing outside of work. Awesome post hun xx
ReplyDeleteSophie Elizabeth
Aw thank you Sophie! xx
DeleteI totally agree with you! I wouldn't want to be a full-time blogger too! I see it as a hobby and not as something I would want my job to be in the future!
ReplyDeleteYousra | Mystic Tales
Jasmine, this is so well said! I'm completely with you on not aspiring to be a full-time blogger. I'm so glad that after a year of blogging my little space that I've created has continued to be a creative space that I love and refer back to as a hobby. I definitely feel you on the needing to go out and be about, I couldn't imagine just staying at home all day or feeling pressured to do something I love. It could quickly turn into something quite the opposite. I'm so excited for all the exposure you've been receiving and I think it's wonderful that you're able to have your voice reach so many people! Which is great since you have great words to share with everyone. So excited to see what you bring up next :)
ReplyDeleteCindy |
Thank you so much Cindy :) it's an exciting time! xx
DeleteI have no plans to monetize my blog or become a full time blogger. I already have a career and blogging is a really interesting hobby that I do in my spare time. I have to say your blog looks much more professional than mine and is just as good as the high profile, professional bloggers.
ReplyDeleteKeep up the good work
I am exactly the same! I've only recently started blogging, but my main interest to start is my passion for beauty and hair and also as a student that studies marketing, a blog would surely help me on the path I do want to take. But being a full time blogger is very time consuming, I want to do something that I worked hard for in my degree, blogging is a hobby for me !
I loved to read your post.
ReplyDeleteBut while I was reading it, and all your good reasons, I was also thinking, you are still young, and that's normal that you don't know yet what's the purpose of your life.
I'm 32, and I also feel super young, but I already have 10 years experiences in company, working at my desk, 8 to 5, and what I want now, for the 20 years coming, is to work for myself.
I think blog is a great opportunity to build your dream, like making a collection, or being a writer.
A few month ago, I made a great "entrepreneur week end" and somebody said "If you don't build your dream, someone will hire you to build his dreams". That quote "shake" me, and "shake" the way I wanted to spend the rest of my life. Working for my dream ? Or working for the dream of somebody else ?
Great post, it was refreshing to read about someone who does'nt want to be a blogger-pro.
Thanks for sharing
(PS : sorry for my english, I'm belgian, french part ;) )
I guess it depends what your ambitions are. I would never get the technical development and experience I want to achieve my goals without working for a large financial services company in my sector xx
DeleteThis is such a great post lovely, I am the same I’ve never watched MIC nor TOWIE haha. I agree I find blogging my fun hobbie outside work and I think as soon as it becomes work that’s when it can lose the fun factor.
ReplyDeleteCharlee XO | CharmedCharlee
Such a great post! I agree, the pressure to consistently produce high quality content and not fall back on views, for the sake of a steady income would definitely get too much for me! Personally I'd love to earn some money on the side from blogging if my views increased, not anything serious but a little extra income never hurts (especially when one is still a student). However my passion for teaching and working with children does override my love for beauty and I really enjoy having this as a hobby and nothing that causes much extra pressure!
ReplyDeleteIqra | The Blushing Giraffe x
The part about vloggers complaining about time made me giggle, you're so right! I totally understand what you say about growing in your career and having a sure income, I agree! xx
ReplyDeleteGyudy @ Gyudy's Notes Of Beauty
As a new blogger,this is something that i have been thinking about...would i want to do this full time? Your post has really put things in perspective,its better not to put all your eggs in one basket and juggle different projects and see which one becomes more favourable xx
ReplyDeleteYeah definitely - a lot of people seem to have part time 'normal' jobs whilst still generating income on the side from their blog :) xx
DeleteYour job sounds so incredible and worthwhile! I definitely agree balancing the two is possible :) xx
ReplyDeleteThank you for your comments - I loved reading about everyone's thoughts and experiences :) xx
ReplyDeleteTotally identify with you on this one - I absolutely love my job and my career and would be sad to give it up even for blogging. I would miss weekly meetings and sales targets to be honest! xxx