Unwinding & Getting a Good Night's Sleep

Anyone who knows me in real life will probably be aware that I've had problems with sleeping for just about as long as I can remember. Recently I had quite an intense period of insomnia (I got off to sleep fine however would wake sometimes as early at 2am and be completely unable to get back to sleep!) however I've overcome it and found out a few ways of ensuring I get the best night's sleep possible.

Switch Off

It's the one no one likes but it's one of the most helpful things you can do! Turn off your phone and laptop at least an hour before you want to go to sleep. You can also try turning the screen brightness down in the evenings to give your eyes a rest.


Have a bit of me-time. Do a face mask, burn a candle, listen to relaxing music, read a book...whatever it is you like to do. I love the smell of lavender to help me unwind. I will often burn lavender oil in my burner. Other products I recommend are the L'Occitane Relaxing Pillow Mist (£14) and Deep Sleep Dream Cream (£18), I also hear a lot of people rave over the Deep Sleep Pillow Spray. Obviously they're not sedatives but they'll help to get you into that sleepy mood. It sounds silly but if your mind is ticking over with ideas or things you need to do, try writing a list before bed so you can sleep easy without having all of it on your mind.

Find the Perfect Conditions

Especially now it's getting light before 6am, your sleep might be being disrupted by daylight. Try investing in blackout blinds or at least an eye mask. If you live near a main road, you might want to get some ear plugs. Even if you don't consciously notice it, these can be things that disrupt your sleeping.

Don't Eat Too Late

I think having a big meal too late can really disrupt your sleeping patterns. Likewise it can be really hard to get to sleep on an empty stomach, especially if you wake up in the middle of the night and you're starving! Try just having something plain like a piece of toast.

Your Bed is for Sleep

If you're like me, a lot of your evening is spent sat on or in your bed and if you like in student housing it's virtually unavoidable that you'll spend a lot of time in your room. However doing this too much can stop you switching off when it's time to sleep so try sitting in your lounge in the evenings (even if you're the only person home!)

Don't Get into Bad Habits

Sleep disorders can be a vicious cycle; the anxiety over what will happen if you don't get enough sleep can lead to you not being able to sleep! It's hard to break the habit but try to see each night as a clean slate and not worry over how you felt the night before. Also, try not to use over the counter sleeping aids too much, as you don't want to become dependent on them. They should only really be used for a night or two to re-set your sleeping pattern. It doesn't really treat the root cause as not being able to sleep without them might become a self-fulfilling prophecy... 

If it's Not Happening, Do Something Else

When I wake up in the night my immediate reaction is worry over getting back to sleep but that can be the worst thing possible! If you're not asleep within about half an hour of going to bed, chances are it's not going to happen. Try getting up and doing something else. If you're starving, go and have a bit of toast, otherwise 15 minutes reading a book can do the job. It's best to avoid just lying there trying to get to sleep for over an hour.

Do you struggle to get to sleep? What are your top tips for a good night's rest?


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  1. This is such a useful post, I sometimes wake up in the middle of the night
    The daylight always wakes me up, why have I never thought of getting an eye mask!
    If I wake up in the middle of the night, I start playing a game on my phone and soon I feel sleepy enough to sleep:)
    Even though I know that's not really good for my eyes, but at least I don't do it often

    Neeny x


    1. Well whatever gets you back to sleep works for you :) xx

  2. Such a helpful post- I'm such a night owl so find it hard to get to sleep at a reasonable hour, but I'll definitely be using these tips now! You look gorgeous in your picture as well by the way :)

    1. Aww thank you lovely and I hope some of this helps xx

  3. I struggle to sleep alot with having anxiety really bad one thing i have found is putting lavender oil on your bedding! x
    Emma | Emmys Blog

  4. I've always had problems sleeping too, but these days I'm not quite as bad. This post was really helpful and made me think about getting out of some bad habits I have myself! One of my worst is counting how many hours sleep I'll have left if I fall asleep right that minute and stressing out when it falls under 8 although I know I can be fine on as little as 5! So thanks fir this post :)
    Rebecca | The Two Twenty Somethings

    1. Oh my gosh - are you me? I do the exact same thing! It's the worst thing to do! xx

  5. useful post :) last week I was very nervous and I woke up around 2am and I could not go to sleep until 4am and then I had to wake up again at 6.30am .... I don't have sleeping problems much tho. hugs

    1. Aww that's awful - if it's not a habit then that's definitely a plus though xx

  6. I've been having trouble getting to sleep lately and this post was really helpful :) I always read before I sleep and it really helps me relax. I might start lighting candles before I go to bed though beacuse that just sounds so relaxing! x x x

    Beyond The Velvet | Beauty, Fashion & Lifestyle Blog

    1. Candles and a good book is the perfect way to unwind :) xx

  7. This is such a helpful post, I'm such a night owl and will usually be up until 1/2 every morning even though I start work at 7am. Definitely going to try these tips x

    emily x ❤ | emilyloula

  8. I some times have trouble sleeping so this is helpful for me. It can take me absolutely ages to go to sleep as I tend to over think things a lot just before I go to bed!

    1. I do the same! I find the lists help as you can sort of empty your mind on a page and once you've made a note you don't have to worry about remembering it xx

  9. Loved this post; when I was younger I definitely had trouble falling asleep, after a few simple lifestyle changes though I've managed to get into a routine and while I still sometimes struggle, for the most part I'm able to fall asleep and stay asleep relatively easy!

    Heather, porcelainbeautyx

    1. Yeah I think I go through phases but it's much better than it once was xx

  10. I have a lot of trouble sleeping too so this post was really helpful. If I'm indoors in the evening I definitely try to sit in the lounge rather than in my room otherwise I find it much harder to sleep. I find I sleep better if I keep busy during the day too, even if I don't have plans I try to get out of the house (even if it's just for a walk), then I feel more sleepy when it comes to bedtime.

    Sarah xo | PolkaDotLemon

    1. Yeah that's true - if you've been sedentary all day you haven't used much energy so it's harder to sleep xx

  11. Ooh I needed to read a post like this because my sleeping is all over the place, and I’ve been getting up randomly through the night without being able to get back to sleep. The last point was really interesting as I end up just lying there waiting for my to get to sleep whether it takes half an hour to two hours lol.

    Charlee XO | CharmedCharlee

    1. I'm the same - so frustrating! I often find the longer I lie there in wait the more anxious I get about it xx

  12. Th is a great post, having trouble sleeping is the worse!

    Lifestyle Funxion

  13. This is a great post Jasmine and so helpful to people who are struggling with regular sleep. Luckily, I don't have a problem with sleep but a few years ago, I would wake up in the early hours of the morning and not be able to get back to sleep and it is extremely frustrating and stressful xx

    Brenda BusyBee

  14. Oh I just love this post! Though seeing a bed (Whos accidentaly identical to mine) after only 2 hours of sleep last night might not be the best idea when your at work :)

    Allie | RainyAllie

  15. Hahaha so funny, my post scheduled for this Sunday is the exact same topic! Hope people don't think I'm a copy cat ;)
    Eating too late is one thing I struggle with in my house, my family like to eat between 8-9pm sometimes and that's just too late for me, I end up making myself food around 7ish because I get hungry and know I won't sleep if I eat too late!

    Kat | www.kathorrocks.com

    1. It's such a hard balance - not having a heavy meal too late but not eating so early your stomach's rumbling by bedtime! xx

  16. I am lucky that I don't struggle to sleep but I always think that reading makes me sleepy so if I was to find it hard to sleep that that is what I do.
    Great post though :)

    Pams Stuff and Things

  17. Fingers crossed I'll be sleeping tonight now, ta for the tips!

    Marina x
    Marina-Simone Blog

  18. I used to do all of this, but when I have my insomnia, nothing helps.

    Angie x | Chocolate & Lipstick || UK Beauty and Lifestyle Blog

    1. Such a shame - you can do all the right things but still struggle xx

  19. This is such a helpful post as I sometimes find it hard to sleep as I get really anxious and start worrying and overthinking x

  20. I go through phases of being able to sleep well and having terrible sleep, when Im not sleeping I always make sure to turn off technology and have about an hour to myself before sleeping, reading, chilling whatever I want. I am guilty of using my bed for more than sleep, I do work in it, go on my laptop, eat, being a student means my room is my only me space and my desk chair is uncomfy and my room freezing so bed is a must.

    Emma x
    Writing Essays With Wine // I’d love it if you entered my Blog Birthday Lifestyle Giveaway

    1. Yeah it's so hard when you're at uni to make your bedroom a restful place xx

  21. I struggle hugely with sleep. I have the Rescue Remedy night time one that you put four drops on you tongue and I find it calms me down. I also have a roller ball from Boots that you put onto your temples which helps too. Camomile tea is helpful and ensuring I have done everything e.g homework also puts my mind at ease! I find that when I really can't sleep that squeezing each muscle from your feet upwards actually helps - I read it somewhere and it just relieves tension and makes you feel a lot more at ease.


    1. I love camomile tea too! I'll have to have a look for some of your product recommendations :) xx


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