Meet the Bloggers Behind my Favourite Blogs

Today I have something a little different for you - I, for one, love meeting other bloggers and hearing about the things we have in common and the ways in which we're totally different! I decided to have a bit of a chat with a few of my favourite bloggers to explore what brought them into the beauty world and what their lives are like outside of it - I hope you enjoy.

Laura is one of my favourite bloggers and we've also met in real life (she's lovely!) I always visit her blog when I'm commuting because she posts really regularly and she always gives me a great bite-sized dose of beauty content. 

What do you do for work? Have you ever considered blogging full time and why / why not?

What I do for work! I run my own PR & social media company, LFH Communications, and I blog about 40% of the time too. I like the freedom of being my own boss and I don't think I'll ever go back to a 9-5. I always thought that my dream would be just to blog but I love the challenge of working for other clients and I find it really rewarding. With blogging, it can get a little competitive and monotonous, so having that other area to focus on keeps my brain nicely occupied. Relying solely on blogging also does make it difficult to say no to some brand opportunities, so I'm pretty happy with the balance at the moment. I'm lucky in that brands want to work with me, but I have a lot of control over what I do. In my company, I work with the media, brands and bloggers - it's what I did previously at other agencies, but this time it's all me! My days really vary as well, which I enjoy. Sometimes I'm shooting and creating content, creating graphics, writing releases, talking to journalists and then some days I'm planning blog content and taking Instagram shots. 

Do you have any other hobbies or interest outside of your blog? 

Ok, so I love horror films so much. Possibly too much. My husband and I are horror fanatics, and we actually have a shared Instagram account where we review them together. Mostly as a log so we can keep track! So my hobby is definitely keeping up with the horror genre. I rarely get scared by films, so I'm always on a mission to find flicks that actually creep me out. 

What makes you passionate about beauty?

I'm not sure I could pinpoint it exactly because I've always loved beauty! I think the ritual of taking care of yourself is important for my overall happiness because I really relish taking that time for me. Being groomed is important. I'm also a very visual person, so seeing how makeup can enhance and sculpt a complexion is always fascinating. There's this whole glamorous element to beauty that translates differently with everyone and that's pretty beautiful. I guess I also like discovering, because I'm inquisitive (or nosy). 

What's your favourite book or film of all time and why? 

My favourite film of all time has to be The Shining, because I can watch it over and over again and still enjoy it as much as the first time. See, I told you I loved horror films! It's just the ultimate horror - I love Jack Nicholson, and his performance is amazing. The hotel is iconic in how creepy and how vintage it is, and the cinematography is spectacular. The book is equally as creepy! Book wise, my favourite read might be Jane Eyre, because I adore the relationship between Jane and Rochester. I've re-read it countless times. Or... The Odyssey, because I read Ancient History at University and I love all things mythology. 

What's one thing you've learnt about life in your 20s? 

I'd say I have three main things I've learnt! One is to always trust your gut instinct, because it doesn't tend to steer you wrong. If you don't like someone or a situation, then that's ok! Trust your gut and know it's not for you. Second is that things don't matter as much as you think they do. Big picture, people! If I'm getting stressed, I always think... will this matter tomorrow? In a week's time? In a month, or a year? It almost never does. Lastly, your time is precious. Don't bend over backwards for people who don't support you because you don't get that time back. Saying no is the best, and you always need to prioritise yourself, and what really matters to you.

Pint Sized Beauty

Lily immediately caught my attention with her stunning photography (which I immediately recognise in my Instagram feed) but the reason I keep coming back is her amazing skincare content! I also love that she's now sharing lifestyle and fashion content. 

What do you do for work? Have you ever considered blogging full time and why / why not?

I work as a freelance social media manager. I consider working full time on my blog regularly, but at the moment I'm not at that stage and I always feel like I like working and improving my skills outside of blogging means I have a fallback if blogging doesn't work out. 

Do you have any other hobbies or interest outside of your blog? 

I mountain bike several times a week and I love it. It's completely different to beauty blogging because in the day I'm talking about what makeup I'm using and at night I head to the woods on my bike to get covered in mud from head to toe. 

What makes you passionate about beauty?

When I first started this blog, I started it because I wasn't very happy at sixth form and I wanted an escape. I think blogging has always been that for me. I love being able to write what I feel like, take photographs in the style I feel inspired by and watch myself improve too. I've been using makeup and skincare for over ten years now, so it just made sense that something I was so passionate about, I could write about too. 

What's your favourite book or film of all time and why? 

This is a tricky one because the Harry Potter series has to be up there in general, but I'm a sucker for a thriller and a comedy especially anything with Will Ferrell in. 

What's one thing you've learnt about life in your 20s? 

I'd tell them that it's okay if you go into your 20's having no idea what you want to do because no one else knows really either. Most of the time the people that you look up to in their 20's that you think have their whole life together and mapped out, actually don't and if you speak to other people your age you'll realise that most people are just winging it too.

LPage Beauty

I love Leanne's blog because if there's ever a product I'm considering buying, I know she'll have featured it and we have such similar tastes! I think if you like my blog and you don't follow Leanne: you will absolutely love her content.

What do you do for work? Have you ever considered blogging full time and why / why not? 

I am actually now a full time blogger. Before that I was a stay at home mum, which I won't lie is super boring! But really rewarding at the same time. I'm really happy I got see all the milestones that I may have missed had I gone back to work soon after. My son now goes to nursery 4 days a week so I do all things blog related. Before that my background was in Criminology and I always thought I'd go down that route. Maybe I will one day but for now I'm happy blogging, it fits in with life really well. 

Do you have any other hobbies or interest outside of your blog? 

I wouldn't say I have any hobbies as such. But I'm super interesting in different theories to people's behaviour. I'm super interested in why people act and behave the way do. I can spend hours googling different theories. 

What makes you passionate about beauty? 

I love everything about beauty! I love how it's a form expression or a confidence boost, or even just an hour the day where I do something completely for myself. One of my earliest memories actually involved makeup haha! I think I was around 4 and I remember begging my mum to do my makeup for me. She did. We then went to visit my nan and she told me how beautiful I looked and it all kinda progressed from there. In terms of the blogosphere what makes so important to me is the people. I find it amazing how so many people, from so many different walks of life all have beauty in common. I've met so many amazing people through blogging that I probably wouldn't have if it wasn't for blogging. 

What's your favourite book or film of all time and why?

Ah this is such a tough one! I have so many favourite films but here are a couple:
Just Go With It - it's a just a cheesy, feel good comedy that I love! 
Million Dollar Baby - this is boxing film but so much more! I love the way the story is told and they way it all unfolds. 

What's one thing you've learnt about life in your 20s? 

Another tough one, I feel like I learned so much in 20's. My best advice would be it's ok not to be ok and to have your s*** together. Growing up I always thought that by my mid-twenties I would have life figured out and know where was I going. And when I got to 23 I realised I didn't I freaked out a bit. But that's ok, everything's kinda fallen into place now.

Beauty Drama Queen

I actually first met Dorota by not meeting her... we both attended the same event but missed each other with timings! We decided to do lunch as we work within a 2 minute walk of each other's offices and she's since become one of my favourite bloggers online and offline. It's amazing to have so much in common with a fellow beauty blogger outside of the obvious! Her posts are always detailed, helpful and instantly draw me in. 

What do you do for work? Have you ever considered blogging full time and why / why not? 

I work in Investments as a technician. My role includes co-ordinating the relationship between my company and third party we use to administer one of our products as well as ensuring the product is fit for purpose, compliant with EU and FCA regulations. I’m a keen learner so being a subject matter expert fits nicely with my day job. 

I blog part-time but haven’t considered going full-time for few reasons. Firstly, I like contact with people, I enjoy my job and I feel that by working from home at all times would affect my anxiety too much. I feel that blogging allows me to do my day job better and vice versa. I feed from both and apply my skills to everything that I do. I enjoy stability of pay and ability to do what I truly love after hours. 

Do you have any other hobbies or interest outside of your blog? 

Blogging and beauty are my main hobbies. I also love reading and I’m an avid reader. I’m totally addicted to Netflix and currently watching ALL the british crime movies and series. I love photography, you rarely see me without my camera or at least an iPhone snapping pictures. And if course I love doing makeup on others, which isn’t something every blogger do I guess, but I really like to tell a story through my looks, so I guess that’s that. 

What makes you passionate about beauty? 

I started blogging when I fell ill few years back. I’ve been diagnosed with Ovarian cancer and blogging helped me survive that. Makeup, learning about skincare, making friends in beauty community gave me something to get out of bed for and I’ll be grateful for that forever. Over the last few years I taught myself to be somewhat an expert in skincare and makeup and it makes me feel more alive. It’s difficult sometimes, with chronic pain and anxiety but it also helps me deal with both in a constructive way. The blogosphere made me a better person somehow. It’s easy to get lost in constant drama but I surround myself with people who are the true stars in the community, not because of the numbers but purely thanks to the passion they have for beauty and blogging. I speak to my girls often like Leanne, Dagmara, Siobhán, Laura, Leah, Wanischa and you, and I’m grateful to have met you as you truly represent what’s good in this crazy world. Your integrity, passion and values are what’s makes it easy not to dwell on negatives and instead focus on positives. 

What's your favourite book or film of all time and why?

I don’t think I can choose one book and/or movie. I feel that so many books made me feel something, allowed me to get lost in their world that it would be like choosing a favourite child. The series I’ve been obsessed with is Discovery of Witches and I keep re-reading it in time for the TV series to start soon. Same with Outlander, what an incredible journey the author take me on both in books and the tv series. But I’ve been obsessed before, in my childhood I must have read Anne of the Green Gables (all 8 books!) probably 50 times over. Some books still give me flashbacks. I feel that we live in such Orwellian world right now, it scares me a little. I prefer tv shows to movies and there’d way too many to mention here right now. Movies I go to see are usually sci-fi like Star Trek or superheroes (Marvel or DC universe). 

What's one thing you've learnt about life in your 20s? 

If I learnt one thing about being in my 20s... Don’t waste it. I spent mine in a rubbish relationship be that with my ex or with friends to whom I was the secondary choice. So please don’t waste it. Go out. Meet people you have things in common with. Enjoy the food. Travel. Love. Break up. Allow yourself to hurt, be hurt. And learn. It sounds cheesy, but I wish I’ve done that instead of hiding my true self. I’m so much happier now in my 30s than I ever was in my 20s but that’s on me. I should have listened to the world and myself earlier!

Finally, for any new readers - here's a bit about me! I don't really need to give any background here but if you don't know much about me then this could be interesting / surprising...

What do you do for work? Have you ever considered blogging full time and why / why not? 

I'm a commercial new business underwriter for one of the biggest insurers in the world, which essentially means that I assess which risks to take on behalf of my company, under which terms and for what amount. You have to have a lot of technical knowledge to do the job, so underwriters have a specialism and mine's pretty niche. This is part of what really appealed to me because I like to pick things apart and understand how they work, so building and growing a specialised knowledge definitely clicked with me. On a day-to-day basis we deal with insurance brokers who represent the businesses we insure, so a lot of what we do is meet with them to build relationships. You have to be able to make decisions involving large amounts of money in high-pressure situations and get the balance right between being technical and being commercially-minded, building your authority over time. Internal and external examinations are also part of the role, though I've finished all of mine now because the graduate scheme I came in on compresses it all into two years!

I haven't ever considered blogging full time because it really couldn't be more different to what I do now. I have a really sociable workplace and it's kind of part of the job, so I couldn't imagine working from home! I also learn so much every single day from the people around me and it's a real intellectual challenge because there's always something more to know - even people who have been doing this 20-30 years sometimes come across a new problem they then have to work out how to solve. I don't see how I'd be learning and growing from doing my blog full time. There's also no obvious way to 'move forward' or any framework to progress your career. I think it would make me pretty anxious not to have a guaranteed salary in my bank account every month and I'd lose out on so many financial benefits. Finally, I just like this being fun; I don't want to force it, I don't want to feature products I'm not that excited about just for money. This way I keep the passion alive and it allows me to be extremely selective about working with brands because I don't need the money from my blog (though obviously it's nice to get something to invest back into things like my camera, laptop and products to review) and at the end of the day: if I want a product I can just get it myself.

Do you have any other hobbies or interest outside of your blog? 

I guess it's semi-related on the surface but my particular genre isn't at all connected to my blog! I really love to write and to get a novel of mine published one day would be a dream come true. I generally write sci-fi and fantasy. I'm also really into true crime! Fun fact: I nearly joined the police force but decided to drop out because I didn't think the lifestyle  would suit me. I think I'd watched too much Luther...

What makes you passionate about beauty? 

I think it's honestly the way it connects people - like I said at the start of this post: beauty-lovers come from all walks of life and we have this one thing that connects us all! I think that's pretty amazing... I also love looking at beautiful things, whether that's architecture, incredible views or artwork. I also have to echo what the other bloggers have said: I need that 20 minutes in the morning to prepare myself for the day and present the image I feel like projecting to the world in that moment.  

What's your favourite book or film of all time and why?

I know it's a cliche, but my favourite book is 1984 - not just for its content but for the role it played in my life at the time. I think it really made 16-year-old me open my eyes to the world and how political systems interact with personal freedom. It was definitely part of me understanding the ideologies around us and forming my own personal worldview. I read the Handmaid's Tale right after 1984 and that also had such an impact on me for similar reasons. In terms of film, I think I have to say Blue is the Warmest Colour - I've only seen it once and I'm kind of scared to watch it again in case it doesn't hit me in the same way the second time round! It's a French LGBT coming-of-age story that's just so raw, real, emotional and beautiful. Something about it just really moved me and resonated with me.

What's one thing you've learnt about life in your 20s? 

I've definitely realised that life isn't a checklist and you shouldn't treat it as such. I think we tend to look at life like: go to school and get good grades, get a degree, get on a grad scheme, buy a house, marry your long-term boyfriend, have some kids... However I've definitely learned that most people's lives don't follow that path and that's kind of the beauty of it. So many things in my life haven't quite turned out in the way I'd expected, but I've enjoyed the journey so much and had some amazing experiences for that very reason. I think it's also important not to put off the things that are important to you - you'll never have as much time and as few responsibilities as you do now! If you want to travel, then make it happen. Personally, I realised at the start of last year that I hadn't written anything in months, therefore I chose my main idea and focussed on that project - 18 months later I'm over 110k words down and almost ready to start the editing process of the first novel I've ever managed to finish!

I really hope you enjoyed this post and found out something new about your favourite bloggers or discovered some new ones to follow! Thank you so much for everyone for taking part. 

Did any of these answers surprise you?

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