5 to Try | Face Mists

If there's one thing I've become obsessed with this Spring it's face mists! And I can see this continuing throughout Summer so I thought I'd share with you my favourites that pretty much cover all the bases. I do think their skincare benefits vary but they just feel so nice and can offer a quick fix or have multiple uses.

The One for Sensitive Skin: Caudalie Grape Water | £6 (75ml)

At the start of this year I had an awful allergic reaction and even once it had cleared up, my skin was left sore, dry, flaky and extremely sensitive. I carried this around in my handbag at all times because it's so calming for angry, red skin and was one of the few products that wouldn't make the reaction flare up again. Whenever my skin was starting to feel irritated I'd just have a spritz of this and it soothed everything. Even when my skin moved to being very dry, I still used this all the time when my face started feeling a bit 'crusty' (ew). It can be used over makeup and will just refresh your face and make it feel more hydrated. The ingredients are just water and grape, which is why it's so great when your skin seems to be reacting to everything.

The One for Spot-Prone Skin: La Roche-Posay Serozinc Spray | £8.50

This is essentially a zinc sulphate solution. If you want to get on the face mist hype but you want something that's going to also help clear up your skin (as well as feeling nice and refreshing) then this is for you. This isn't going to transform your skin all on its own but it's great to use in place of a traditional toner if you have oily or combination skin. It's nice and mattifying, getting rid of any excess oiliness on the surface of the skin. It helps to keep spots at bay, which makes it a must-have for me in Summer. 

The Refreshing One: Avene Eau Thermale Spray* | £7

This is a kind of do-it-all refreshing spray. I love how you can use it over makeup as a sort of setting mist for glowing, healthy skin. You can also use it as a traditional skincare product after cleansing. I also really like it when I've used quite an intensive face mask and my skin is feeling a little stripped, just to replenish the moisture. This only contains Avene's special Thermal Spring Water so you don't just have to use it on your face; it can be used on the hair and body too. I will definitely be trying that when I want to cool down on the beach in Spain this Summer! This is also really great if you have sensitive skin.

The One that Smells Amazing: Caudalie Beauty Elixir | £11.50 (30ml)

Ok this is definitely in the Princess Product category; it actually contains alcohol so as far as a skincare product goes I definitely recommend the Grape Water. I did use it last Summer as a on-the-beach-refresh however I do think the Avene will work better for me now I've discovered that. However I love this for the specific reason that the scent is really relaxing. The size means it can be taken in your hand luggage when you fly and I'm not a good flyer! I find a quick spritz of this before I go on or if I'm feeling a bit nervous during the flight (though you've got to be considerate and wait for whoever is sat next to you to go to the loo and spritz very close to your face, mind!) I find the scent very calming. It does still contain Grape Water, along with Orange Blossom, Rose Extract and Mint.

The Moisturising One: Jurlique Rosewater Balancing Mist | £18

This is my latest addition but I thought I'd still include it in here as it doesn't take as long to work out if a face mist works for you than other skincare products. To be fair, this also smells amazing (of rose petals, of course). However I think this has more skincare benefits than the Caudalie Beauty Elixir. I find it really lovely and hydrating. It's moisturising whilst still feeling nice and light on the skin. Maybe it's more of a Winter product for me but I'm still really enjoying it and totally recommend it for dry skin, especially if you find rose-based products work well to add a bit of hydration.

What are your favourite face mists?

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  1. I've never tried face mists but I think you just sold me!! I think the refreshing one will work best for me! Thanks for sharing <3

    xo Raina

    1. No problem - I feel like it's going to be such a staple for me this Summer :) xx

  2. I have only used 2 face mists so far; Shiseido Kate Integrate & Jill Stuart's. Both work well as fixer so whenever my face become too oily, I'd spritz them on and they're as good as new!

    I want to try Jurlique's rose mist now, thank you!

    Selene Addicted

  3. This post comes at the right time as I'm going to place an order on lookfantastic today :) I need a new face mist, I'm probably going to go for Serozinc.
    Happy Sunday


  4. I'll definitely be trying the Caudalie one. It's exactly what I need right now.

    1. My skin has gone all dry and flaky these past couple of days and it's really helped! xx

  5. I don't like the Beauty Elixir from Caudalie yet the Grape water is very tempting to me, I've never heard of it before! I'm currently trying the LRP Serozinc Spray and so far I really like it, it doesn't irritate my sensitive skin while helping a little with spots!


  6. I've recently discovered the Jurlique mist and absolutely love it - SO hydrating! I never knew a face mist could be so beneficial! I've not tried any of the others you've mentioned but this post has definitely got me wanting to experiment with others!

    Jodie @ Jodetopia x

  7. The avene mist is definitely a product I hate to be without! :)

    Lotte | www.lottebeautybox.blogspot.co.uk

  8. I love the Avene spray, I really want to try serozinc though! lovely post as always :)


  9. I've heard about the Caudalie Beauty Elixir from a Brazilian youtuber and it does sound amazing! Might try it out x


  10. I have the Vitamin E face mist from The Body Shop and I really like that for moisture, plus it smells lovely!

    Lauren Ashleigh xx

    1. That's one I've been meaning to try for ages! xx

  11. I love Serozinc, I must have gone through 10 cans of the stuff! x

    Jenny | That Northern Gal

  12. I swear by the Mario Badescu Rosewater spray, I'll need to try some of these and fuel my new addiction for the hotter months! (If we actually get any sun...)

    Natasha Kendall

  13. My favourite face mist at the moment has to be from Vitamin E :)


  14. I love the Jurlique rose water mist too! I must try the serozinc soon. Great post :)


  15. The grape water one sounds great. I'm a huge fan of the Avene one - i used to cover my body in it, in the summer because its so refreshing! I'm loving a Mario Badescu one at the moment and i'm huge fan of the superdrug vitamin e mist when my skin is feeling dry. xx

    LPage Beauty

  16. This is a great post! I haven't gotten a chance to really explore face mists. One of my favorites is the Mario badescue rose water facial spray, but after reading your post it has encouraged me to branch out in this area of beauty products!

    1. Another recommendation for the Mario Badescu - I need to get my hands on it haha xx

  17. Love the Serozinc and Caudalie mists! Haven't tried the Avene or Jurlique but Jurlique especially has been on my radar for ages! Definitely need to try something from the brand soon!

    Danielle's Beauty Blog

  18. The Caudalie Beauty Elixir is my all time favourite! I'm just recently trying the grape water one and its just as lovely!

    Georgia | The Weekend Attic - Personal Style, Beauty and Lifestyle

  19. serozinc will always be my favourite spray!

    love katy @ The Rawrdrobe x

  20. This post is perfect, my skin seems dry at the moment so I'm definitely going to be purchasing some of these

    Anything & Everything | Bloglovin'

  21. The only one I've not tried is the Jurlique. I really can't get on with the beauty elixir, it's far too strong and drying on me, but Serozinc and grape water are lovely. My favourite at the moment is the Clinque moisture surge, it's fabulous and hydrating,
    The Beauty Bloss

    1. Yeah i don't really find the Beauty Elixir to be a 'skincare' product in some ways xx

  22. I've just bought the Serozinc and I'm really excited to see what all the fuss is about. If you use this on areas of your skin that aren't breaking out, do you think it would be too harsh?


    1. I guess it depends how dry the rest of your skin is - I haven't had a problem with that but I am overall combination xx

  23. Ahh so many face mists to try! Since I live in Texas, I need a good face mist to get me through the hot summer days! I will definitely be adding these to my wish list. I had the Avene spray, but unfortunately it was confiscated at a music festival since no aerosol sprays were allowed and I'm so bummed because Avene isn't as easy to get a hold of in the States!
    Nida | Caked To The Nines

  24. I love the sound of the Caudalie Grape Water! As you know, I love Clinique Moisture Surge Spray, also Pixi Hydrating Milky Spray & Omorovicza Queen of Hungary Mist! xx


  25. Awwww I love me some good Sprays/Mists as they refresh my face and keep my makeup looking lovely. I have tried all except the Caudalie Beauty Elixir and the Jurlique one. They all sound incredible. I also love the regular La Roche Posay Spray which saved my skin all through Summer last year!! Thanks for sharing lovely...xx

  26. I've been wanting to try the Serozinc for ages, but I can't get it in the US sadly. However, I did just order the Caudalíe so I'm excited to give that a try. I've already tried the Jurlique, but I can't justify the price tag on it since there are so many other rose water sprays that are less expensive.

  27. Thank you for your comments :) xx

  28. I have never really used face mists but these sound so nice, I think I'm going to start using them!


  29. I had an allergic reaction the Avene Eau Thermal Spray, which has made me very wary of the brand as it was the first product of theirs that I'd tried. I'm getting on well with the Boots Botanics Rose Water spray though & am very pleased to have a cheaper alternative to my MAC Fix+. I definitely want to try the Caudalie Grape Water & the Jurlique Rose Water Mist after reading this! Xx

    Tania | When Tania Talks

    1. Boots Botanics is on my list of brands I've been meaning to try for ages! xx

  30. I definitely need to get the Caudalie and Avene ones for sure. Serozinc and I don't always see eye to eye but its less of a disappointment to me than Caudalie Beauty Elixir which I blame all the hype for, because my expectations were sky high but I find it a bit irritating on my skin and blah. The Jurlique is on my Princess Product wish list ;) xxx

    Sal | UmmBaby Beauty

  31. I've become addicted to my First Aid Beauty Hydrating Vitamin Mist, it's so refreshing while still offering a bit of hydration as well! But I'm really loving the sound of that Jurlique mist too, since I'm currently obsessed with all things rose. xx


  32. This is the first face mist post I've read in ages that hasn't included a PIXI spray and I'm so relieved and intrigued to hear about something different. I love the sound of the Caudalie grape water spray - affordable and it will keep my sensitive skin happy.

    Steph - www.nourishmeblog.co.uk

    1. I still haven't got round to trying the Pixi ones! xx

  33. This is just the post I needed as I was looking at the avene mist and couldn't decide if I needed this on holiday but yeh think I'm gonna have to go to boots

    Leanne | www.oohsimplething.blogspot.co.uk


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