My 5 Favourite Face Masks

If there's one skincare product I can't help but buy more of, it's face masks. I've tried to cover off all the bases in terms of targeting different problems in this list and include masks at different price-points, so let's get started. 

The Glow-Giver: REN Glycolactic Radiance Renewal Mask, £25.66

I initially got this in a little set for £12 you can buy here, which is perfect if you would like to try REN products before investing. After loving it, I picked up the 15th Anniversary edition which is a really good deal as you get 50% more than in the standard bottle for the same price of £32 but it's currently reduced (and I also used a Look Fantastic discount code on top of that!) This comes out in a sort of gel-like form and is very fruity-smelling, though the ingredients are all very clean. It's essentially a peel mask so works by removing dead skin cells to let your glow shine through. Because of the way it works you may feel a bit of tingling (I personally don't) and also it isn't suitable for sensitive skin. I use this perhaps twice a week in order to get that fresh, plumped up, glowing skin.

Ingredients include: Glycerin, Grape Seed Oil, Lactic Acid
Best for: Combination and Normal Skin
Tackles: Dullness, Dehydration

The Blemish-Reducer: Una Brennan Superfacialist Salicylic Acid Clay Mask, £9.99

This is more a mask that I reach for as and when I need it as opposed to something I'll use twice a week religiously, however I do find it preventative too. It is a clay mask so it does harden on the skin and you can certainly feel it working! It doesn't burn or anything as extreme as that but there's certainly a tingling sensation. If you use this as instructed, it shouldn't leave your skin feeling tight or dry, which is always a bonus with clay masks. It just draws out all the dirt and everything else clogging up your pores and when I wash it off I see an immediate brightening effect and also the redness of any blemishes is greatly reduced. By the following morning I feel any existing blemishes look noticeably improved and it prevents any new ones developing. 

Ingredients include: Salicylic Acid, Shea Butter, Avocado Oil
Best for: Combination and Oily Skin
Tackles: Blemishes, Congestion, Blocked Pores

The Hydration Injection: Origins Drink Up Intensive Overnight Mask, £23

I suffer from the very inconvenient issue of having skin that is both combination and severely dehydrated! Therefore overnight treatments are how I inject some moisture into my skin (when no one can see my shiny face...) I actually got this 75ml tube in a set and the 100ml one is what I've linked above, and whilst the price tag seems a little steep you really don't need much of this and a little can go a long way. I love the fruity fragrance and it come out like a gel. You simply massage a thin layer across your skin before bed. I have found before with overnight treatments that they do so little I almost forget I ever put them on, however not with this; my skin looks noticeable plumper, feels softer and any fine lines from dehydration have all but vanished. I don't find it breaks me out, which I had been worried about, however at the same time if you have blemish-prone skin like me, it's best to stick to using this 2-3 times a week.

Ingredients include: Rose Flower Water, Glycerin, Sweet Orange Oil
Best for: Dry and Dehydrated Skin
Tackles: Dehydration, Dryness

The Fuss-Free Pick: Body Shop Warming Mineral Mask, £10

I've picked this as my easy option as it gives my skin a nice pick-me-up with minimal effort. It comes in a travel-friendly squeeze-y tube which means you can get the mask out as easily as a body lotion or shower gel. It has an opaque gel-like consistency and produces a pleasant warming sensation as you smooth it onto your skin, which remains whilst left on. It's like a clay-based mask without the super-stiff layer sat on your skin. This just does a really nice, gentle cleanse and balances my skin by reducing the surface oiliness without drying out the skin. If I'm tired or busy, this is the one I slap on for an easy little skin boost.

Ingredients include: Glycerin, Algae, Zinc Oxide
Best for: Normal, Combination and Oily Skin
Tackles: Oiliness, Clogged Pores

The All-Rounder: Antipodes Aura Manuka Honey Treatment Mask, £19.75

If I had to give up all my other face masks and only use one for the rest of my life, it would be this! I don't know what kind of magic Manuka Honey is, but it's somehow both hydrating and blemish-reducing at the same time. This comes out as a semi-runny honey consistency, which is great for me as I'm trying to move away from drying, stiff face masks. It's so comfortable and 15 minutes later (when it's time for it to come off), it has partially absorbed into my skin. It gives such a nice moisture boost, whilst improving the overall quality of my skin and reducing blemishes. It really balances out my combination skin (which is prone to patchiness, with very dehydrated parts and very oily parts) and is just a fantastic all-rounder.

Ingredients include: Manuka Honey, Avocado Oil, Glycerin
Best for: All Skin Types
Tackles: Dehydration, Blemishes, Uneven Skin Tone, Unbalanced Skin 

What are your favourite face masks?


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  1. I love that Ren mask, I recently picked it up and I mean Wowza!!!


  2. Great picks, definitely going to try out the body shop one! :)
    Urban Obsessions // Vegan Food & Lifestyle Blog

  3. I'm absolutely obsessed with the origins drink up mask, its a lifesaver for my dry, dull skin!! I haven't actually tried any of the other masks yet but I really love the sound of the clay mask!! x
    Aisling | Aislings beauty bytes

    1. I think if you suffer from dullness you'd really like the REN one too :) xx

  4. I have combination skin too so in an ideal world I'd try all your picks! At the moment I use the Una Brennan mask you mentioned and the Nuxe Creme Fraiche mask as an overnight treatment - but I'm looking into the Origins masks too :)
    Rebecca | The Two Twenty Somethings

  5. I have the Origins Drink Up Intensive mask and I love it! So tempted by the REN one! Might give the tester set a go!

    Danielle's Beauty Blog

  6. The Body Shop warming mask sounds gorgeous- definitely something I need to try! Have you tried the Origins 10 minute mask too? I have combination and dehydrated skin and it's great for a quick pick me up :) x

    Fran's Beauty Blog.

    1. I will definitely check that out - thank you :) xx

  7. I love the origins drink up intensive mask. I really want to try some REN products but the prices are very steep. I have also had my eye on the antipodes Mask. Defo ones to add to the wish list! X

    Fi | www.fislittleblog.com

  8. I've tried the Origins 10 minute mask and liked it so I'm definitely intrigued by the overnight mask!

    She Likes to Shop

  9. I love face masks! I'm loving TBS Warming Mineral Mask at the moment. I definitely want to to try the Origins Drink Up mask and the REN one x

    Jenny | That Northern Gal

  10. I really want to try the REN Glycolactic Mask but it wasn't stocked in my local Space NK before I left so I might order it online when I get back; I really love the Antipodes mask myself ;)


  11. I love the Una Brennan Face Mask! I also could never resist picking up more face masks but I've had to draw the line as I honestly own far too many xx

    Ioanna | Hearting.co.uk

  12. Ooh these all sound great, I've never actually used a face mask before, but I will defo be trying one of these out! Thanks for the post! :)

  13. The Antipodes mask sounds incredible!

    Sara - She Who Is Short

  14. I love the Antipodes mask and that REN mask has been on my wishlist for as long as I can remember x


  15. This was such a helpful post! I have the Body Shop one and don't feel it does anything for my skin but I will definitely have to try the others you mentioned as I suffer with spots! Xx

  16. I love using face masks and really should use more of them! So I will have to look out for these next time I go shopping and give them a go! x http://coffeeatmidnight13.blogspot.co.uk/

  17. I just bought the Ren mask and am excited to try it ! I badly wanna try the Antipodes mask. Awesome post. I love me some masks too and cannot help buying them !

  18. After reading this I'm dying to get my hands on that Antipodes mask! At the moment I'm reaching for my Body Shop Tea Tree Mask quite often as my skin's having a bit of a blemish prone period xx

    Love and Marmalade

  19. I keep meaning to try the Una Brannan one as I love the cleanser from the same S acid range.

    Hayley @ Tea Party Beauty

  20. I've been on the hunt for a good mask for ages now and this post really helped! Thanks :)


  21. Oh really want to try that Antipods face mask, and other products from this line, have been seeing it for a long time now. Where can I buy it from ?

    1. I got it from Look Fantastic :) if you click the name of any product that's underlined on my blog it will take you directly to where you can buy it xx

  22. I love a good face mask thank you for sharing

  23. Such a great post, I am a big fan of mask and most of the ones that you have spoken about I am yet to try but I have a feeling that will change soon :)

    Pams Stuff and Things

  24. I am the same way. I love face masks and always add to my collection. Great post!

    Angie x | Chocolate & Lipstick || UK Beauty and Lifestyle Blog

  25. Great list! I need to try a few of these.

  26. Love Origins Drink It Up - such a great mask!

    I had never before heard of the Una Brennan Salicylic Acid mask - this sounds right up my street - need to make a little Boots online order now :)

    Emma xx || Her Glamourati

  27. Oh the REN mask sounds lovely & I would definitely enjoy the fruity scent. The Antipodes one has been on my wish list forever, must give it a try soon x

    <a href="http://www.beautywithcharm.com/2015/06/my-beauty-icon-marilyn-monroe.html?m=1</a>

  28. I've always wanted to try an over night mask. I may need to give this one a whirl.

  29. I need to try that Antipodes mask! I've heard such great things. Lovely post as always!

    Georgia | The Weekend Attic - Personal Style, Beauty and Lifestyle

  30. I'm glad you ladies found this helpful :) I'd love to hear your thoughts if you give any of these a go! xx

  31. Love this post! I keep reaching for the Origins face mask too and I reach for the Innisfree Volcanic Clay mask when I break out!! Works wonders!

    Joyce x
    Joyce Ka Yan Lau


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