TOP 5 TUESDAY || Blogging Etiquette Dos & Don'ts

I've not done a Top 5 Tuesday in ages so this week I'm doing a blogging tips one. I think if you're just starting out blogging it can be hard to know what the 'dos' and 'don'ts' are, so hopefully this will help you! You definitely don't have to agree with these and I'd like to hear from you in the comments whichever side of the fence you sit...

5. 'Follow for Follow'


Participate in 'follow threads' on Facebook groups with bloggers that have similar interests if you really want a 'follow for follow'.  Also sharing one social media link on another medium is a good idea - so many times I've thought I was following someone on Bloglovin then realised I wasn't after they tweeted their link. To be honest the best way of gaining followers is to get to know people and get your name out there! We'll come to how to do that later...


Post on people's blogs or tweet them directly asking for 'follow for follows' or 'like for likes'. Some people may go for it but odds are you're just going to annoy them. 

4. Naming Posts


Choose words that will maximise your visibility on search engines - for example using the exact product name from the brand's website. Also make it short, snappy and appealing.


Misrepresent your post. Don't pick words that aren't really relevant to your post just to do well on search engines. Also, don't write the title in English if the post will be in a different language (unless obviously it's just the brand name or something). It may increase your page views but people aren't going to stick around if your post isn't what they were expecting.

3. Being Part of the Community


Join in different chats on Twitter! Blogging Through the Mirror has a fab guide on them here. Support other bloggers and make friends! Get out to events in your area and interact with brands. 


Tirelessly self-promote or expect things back when you've put nothing in. It's kind of like being in a friendship or relationship - no one warms to someone who's all take an no give. Don't expect dozens of comments on your posts if you never reply to people or comment on anyone else's. And at the same time don't give just to receive! 

2. Commenting on Other Blogs


Comment purely to share your link. About once a week, I go through every single comment on my blog and check out the person's link. When I have something relevant to comment, I'll leave them one. You don't have to tell me to check out your blog/giveaway/whatever - simply leave your link(s) at the end of a comment related to the post. Don't say something for the sake of it or leave a copied and pasted 'great post - here are literally all my social media links'. I love love love reading all your comments and it's my favourite part of having a blog but it's so transparent when people just comment to share their link and I always skip past those people when I go through everyone's blogs!


Leave genuine comments on blogs and drop your link at the end of it. If you have a giveaway link, pop that in too. There's nothing wrong with linking but it's pretty obvious when people leave a 2 word comment followed by 5 lines of 'come and check out my blog/new post/giveaway'... Just use your common sense and if you have nothing to say don't comment on someone's post. 

1. Press Samples and Blog Opportunities


Write to brands asking for freebies. It looks quite rude and presumptuous. Having a blog doesn't mean you're entitled to free things!


Respond to opportunities that brands have put out there via Blogger Opportunity groups on Facebook, blogger networks or their Twitter accounts. If you've featured a brand you really love and may want to work with in the future then drop them an email to introduce yourself with a link to your post and say you'd love to be considered for any future opportunities that may arise.

Agree? Disagree? What are your 'dos' and 'don'ts'?


Don't forget to follow me on:

P.S. I'd love your vote at the UK Blog Awards! I'm nominated in the Lifestyle and Fashion & Retail categories!

Plus don't forget to enter my beauty and fashion giveaway :)



  1. This is such a fantastic post! I loved it and agreed with it all - follow for follow is a pet hate of mine!mI'm yet to join in with one of the Twitter blogger chats but I've heard they are really great. Might join in next time. X x


    1. You should definitely swing by #fblchat tonight it's always a good one :) xx

  2. This is such a good post. I love twitter chats, and I think they're by far the best way to get your name out there. It's a pet peeve of mine to get follow for follow comments, I tend to delete them as spam!

    Sammy xo.


    1. I might start doing that - though I'm sure it won't discourage some people! Xx

  3. Again another great post. I hate the follow for follow thing. And also comments that mean nothing just to leave a link...

    Pams Stuff and Things

    1. Thank you! :) glad I'm not the only one irrationally irritated by follow for follow haha it always strikes me as a bit like begging! And at the end of the day why would you want a follower who isn't actually interested in your blog? Xx

  4. This was a really good post! Some of those are real pet peeves of mine. I find tonnes of new blogs from Twitter chats and find that my own blog does well following them x

    1. Yeah exactly - it's best to just put yourself out there in an appropriate context and if people want to follow they will :) xx

  5. Agree with you on all of this points! I appreciate all the comments on my blog but those meaningless ones 'follow for follow' or 'check my blog' are really annoying! Like you, I check every single person who follows me or comments and if I like their blog, what they write about I follow them but not the other way. Also I really, really dislike when people don't replay to comments on their blog, and I'm not talking about bloggers with thousands followers, even smaller bloggers tend not to replay to comments and I found it quite rude. x
    Mummy’s Beauty Corner
    Benefit Giveaway

    1. Totally agree - there are some blogs I comment on and they've never once replied to my comments even if it's a question, never mind commented on mine. I don't comment to get them back but if I've taken the time to comment on your blog and asked a question out of interest at least reply! These are all people with 1000-5000 followers so it's not like they're Zoella or something lol xx

    2. I know! There are even bloggers with less than 100 followers who don't reply to comments, after a few times I feel like I don't want to comment on their posts any more even if I do read them. xx

    3. It is just rude, I agree! Maybe if they're quite new they don't really understand how it comes across, idk. But it does make me think twice about commenting on blogs where the blogger doesn't appreciate their readers. Replying to comments is part of having a blog in my opinion and it's something you should make time for unless you're famous! xx

  6. Great post! Its so true, I just realised I wasn't following you on twitter, I am now!


  7. Blogging tips & tricks are one of my fave posts to read!
    xprincessjas | ♥

  8. Great post! Though I do think reaching out to PR teams and brands can be a good idea, as long as it's done properly and it is relevant to your blog - I bet they receive a million copy and pasted requests for free products all the time but a well thought out, simple message outlining your blog post idea probably goes down pretty well with PR teams!

    Drea xo
    Drea's Junkyard

    1. That is a really good idea for approaching PR people as it shows a genuine interest and what they'll get out of it :) xx

  9. I love these do's and don'ts posts, they're really helpful! I agree with all of them apart from #1, I blog for a living and work in PR and I actually don't mind at all when bloggers get in touch regarding samples from the company I work for, it definitely depends on how they ask though as well as other factors. Most of the time though I'm more than happy to provide them with samples, after all I can't track down every blogger worth their salt so it's nice to hear from people, learn about their blogs and send them something to try if I think it'd be suitable for them and their blog :) hope that made sense!

    Meg at Meg Says

    1. Yeah I wasn't saying 'don't approach PRs' I was just saying don't literally ask for free stuff and suggested a better way to go about it. Andreas suggestion of go in with an idea seems a much better way of going about things. Every PR person I've spoken to seems to see it as showing a bad attitude to straight up say 'give me free things please'! Xx

  10. I love this! Although i do think there is a time and a way to approach PR companies, I've known people that have done it and have gotten replies and chances to work with them. I guess it just depends on how you go about it, your blog itself and traffic too... generic copy and past is definitely not the way to go.

    I also love twitter chats! I've been at work for a lot of them, but it's a great way to get yourself out there :-) x


    1. Kind of a copy of above but I don't think there's anything wrong with approaching companies - I just think it comes across badly when people just ask for samples. I guess if you have enough followers you can probably get away with it but it's just not very professions - far better to just introduce yourself for consideration or go in with an idea and ask if they're interested xx

  11. This post is brilliant! I loved reading it and agree with everything you said. Hate when people write to me proposing "follow for follow". I either delete their comment or ignore it. They most definitely annoy me. Also agree 100% with making friends and giving back. There are bloggers I try to be friends with but they never reply to my comments or comment on my blog so I end up just giving up on them and their blog all together. Every relationship is a two way road. :) xx

    Renata | Speaking Beauty UK

  12. I have to say I disagree about contacting brands. I've contacted a few and introduced myself and my blog, shared some stats, and asked if they are interested in working with me. If they decline, graciously say thank you and leave it at that. There have been a few instances where brands have said yes, and I've been stoked. If you're polite about it and make it about the opportunity for them, then it's perfectly acceptable. I agree about the follow for follow or link spamming, I often delete them from my blog.

    1. I thought it was obvious but clearly not from the comments! I was referring to literally saying 'I have a blog, here's my address, please can you send me some press samples'. As I've said above - if you have an idea go ahead and pitch it!

      I said in the post that it's a good idea to go and introduce yourself to brands because nothing is going to fall into your lap unless you're Zoella or something - so I think you've misread it! xx

    2. Ohhh okay I've got you! I think I just saw that and went to the comments to say I disagree - teaches me to not skimread! Yes you're definitely right, it's not likely brands will happen to discover that I exist!! Sorry!

    3. Clearly it's my fail writing seeing as lots of people seem to have taken the same thing but I hope I didn't offend! I should definitely try and write with more clarity! xx

  13. Loove this post! I agree so much with the typical "love your blog here's my link" type of comments!
    I personally love participating in the twitter chats each week, I was nervous before my first chat but everyone was so lovely and its a great way to meet likeminded bloggers and make friends!


    1. I love the twitter chats too! I guess I'll see you at the next one :) xx


Thank you for your comment - I read and appreciate every single one :)

There's no need to spam - I will check out your blog if you leave a click-able link under a genuine comment!

If you have a question please check back for my reply or tweet me @jasminetalksblg


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