Advertisement information: this post does not discuss gifted items or contain affiliate links however gifted products may be included in the image. This is for illustrative purposes only and is not an endorsement of any specific product. All opinions remain my own and please refer to my Disclosure Page  for further detail -

The time has come once again for my annual 'the Year in Beauty' poll! This is your chance to have your say on the best and worst of 2023's new launches, trends, products and creators in the beauty world. As a thank you for participating, you will automatically be entered into a prize draw for a £50 Cult Beauty voucher if you have your say. The link to get involved is after the jump...


Rules / important information

  • Voting closes Sunday 17/12/2023, 10am GMT
  • This giveaway is not associated with Cult Beauty / the Hut Group - the gift card will be paid for by me and I chose this site as one that's accessible across a number of countries 
  • The prize is the gift card only, I am not responsible for misuse or any customs charges incurred on your order using it
  • If you already have a Cult Beauty account, please use the email associated with it

Good luck to everyone voting and stay tuned for the results as part of my year-end round-up...

Don't forget to follow me on:


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