Festive Hangover Recovery Routine

Little disclaimer: I'm not in any way advocating to drink to excess! You should always stay safe and know your limits. This routine can be if you've just overindulged in naughty food a bit, if you've had a bit of a late night and need a perk up or for anything else you might need to recover from over the Festive period.

Drink Water & Eat

The first thing I do is drink a lot of water as soon as I wake up. It’s well worth crawling out of bed as whether you’re feeling nauseous, have a headache or your tongue is stuck to the roof of your dry mouth; this is going to make you feel better! I also find that adding an effervescent vitamin supplement (like Berocca) to one of my glasses of water really helps.

It's hard when you don't feel like you can stomach much but I like to get together something quick and easy to eat that will provide some nutrition without making me feel queasy. Usually I will go for something like avocado and cream cheese on granary toast or a bagel.

Skincare & Shower Time

Confession Time: if I've had a really late one I will often just use a micellar water or *gasp* face wipes, because it's better than nothing and the alternative is sleeping in my makeup. However one of the first things I do the next morning has to be a cleanse to ensure any makeup that may not have been picked up the night before is gone. An oil-based cleanser always works best and my current go-to is Pixi's Cleansing Balm. It's nourishing for my tired-out skin, feels so nice when I'm in need of a bit of pampering and breaks down any residual makeup. You do need a warm, damp muslin cloth to remove it but it works so nicely that if I have one to hand, I go for this.

REN Clearcalm3 Clarifying Clay Cleanser | £19

If I've eaten junk or had a few drinks, it always shows on my face! So the next day I reach for my REN cleanser to stop any spots in their tracks. I really love the clay texture of this cleanser as it's so clarifying without stripping my skin at all. It's amazing for preventing blemishes and reducing any that are already coming out.

If I'm already breaking out I then go in and use this quick, intense 5-minute face mask. You can definitely feel it working but this is an incredible product for spot-prone skin. You get an immediate boost of radiance and any spots will be gone or massively reduced by the next day.

Next it's time to jump in the shower. I find the Korres shower gel so refreshing and although it's a sweet, fruity fragrance it isn't anything overpowering.

Bean Burst Peppermint Blend Coffee Scrub* | £15

I wasn't sure what I'd make of this as I've never tried one of the new wave of coffee-based beauty products. I was kindly sent the Gift Box (£28 for all 3 flavours, if you're after a last-minute present for someone!) It contains Sweet Orange (for radiance), Peppermint and Grapefruit (for decongestion). I will definitely do a full review but today I chose the invigorating Peppermint Blend. This is the most incredible scrub for your body if you suffer from dry skin (I used it on one leg then before doing the other felt both of them to compare and the difference was insane) and the peppermint coffee scent will definitely perk you up. If used on the face, I would recommend only very slightly massaging it in before leaving it like a mask for 5-10 minutes for an amazing exfoliation treatment that will leave your skin tingly, fresh and seriously glowing. It's amazing to use from head to toe to wake yourself up in the shower when you're feeling a bit dead!

Out of the shower and it's time for a quick spritz of Serozinc as it really calms down my skin and reduces any redness or soreness from spots.

Avene Cleanance Expert* | £15.50 | post

Finally for a moisturising spot treatment I've been loving Avene's Cleanance Expert. I do really like my LRP Effaclar Duo+ still but but for me this delivers the immediate results as opposed to fading older blemishes. It immediately calms and disinfects my skin when it's looking a mess.


Rituals Sweet Sunrise Candle | £19.50

Finally I light a nice, fresh-fragranced candle and get back in bed! Rituals Sweet Sunrise is a fruity, woody and sweet spa scent which is really relaxing. I like to curl up and watch something on Netflix or Amazon Instant, I've been obsessed with Narcos lately; it's a must-watch!

I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and I will see you on Boxing Day with a new beauty post. Have fun and stay safe!

How do you recover from a hangover?


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  1. Drinking water is essential!
    Charlotte // charlottespicks.blogspot.com

  2. Great tips! I usually also try to drink water even before I go to bed, it really helps as well!


  3. Such a great post hun! I am loving Pixi skincare at the moment so the cleansing balm is now next on my list! Xx

    Amanda - dreamingxpretty.blogspot.co.uk

  4. Drinking water is definitely the biggest one for me! I hate when I don't take my makeup off properly either and wake up with eyeliner still there so the Pixi Cleansing Balm sounds gorgeous! A shower always makes me feel better and the scrubs sound lovely too!

    Danielle's Beauty Blog

    1. Yeah same, a shower always leaves me feeling fresher and more awake xx

  5. I had no idea Pixi also did cleansers?! Definitely need to check this out - fab post lovely! :)

    Style Sunrise☀


  6. Great tips, I really want to try the Pixi cleansing balm :) I generally just drink lots of water and use my Lush coffee face scrub to recover the next day! xx
    Chasing Belle 23

  7. Love this post! I always love to pamper myself after the christmas period, and I really like the products youve mentioned! xx

    Lauren | shynature.blogspot.co.uk

  8. This is great advice! Such a nice idea for a post!

    xo, Liz

  9. Drinking so much water and eating salty snacks help me recover from hangover. Once I feel a little better, a nice hot shower does the job. Merry Christmas xx


  10. Some fab suggestions for products to try here Jasmine, I'll definitely be adding a few of them to my wishlist for the new year - thank you for sharing!

    Jess xo

  11. Couldn't agree more about the Una Brennan face mask! Its one of my favourite masks for winter spotty skin. Happy Holidays and hope you had a wonderful Christmas! x


  12. I'm yet to find my miracle cure for hangovers haha, but I find having a shower defiantly helps me feel more alive! I need to try that pixi cleanser! And those scrubs sound brilliant! xx


  13. Yeah I always try to do this and even just whilst I'm out it's good to stay hydrated! xx

  14. Thanks for your comments, hope you had a lovely Christmas and some of these tips helped! xx


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