I have a confession: for the past few weeks I've gone through periods of feelng really dissatisfied with my blog. I just feel as though everything's stagnated in terms of not only followers and page views but, more importantly, in terms of my personal progress. I have even found myself getting annoyed at how I'll repeat the same phrases and words in so many posts. Everything just felt a little stale and I wanted to move forwards but I didn't know how...
Appreciate How Far You've Come
Look back on your earliest posts and appreciate all the progress you've made since then!
Speak to Someone
Whether it's online or through local events, I'm sure you have some fellow bloggers to talk to. I found this really helpful because at the end of the day we've all been there, we've all felt like that and you can never underestimate the positive effects of just getting something off your chest.
Your Blog is Your Escape
I think part of my problem was that I was carrying over my frustrated career ambitions to my blog instead of leaving it at the door. The anxiousness to progress in work was having a negative impact on how I saw my blog. I think that keeping a little distance between my feelings about the two will help me. After all, I try to keep my blog a fun and positive place even when life is far from that and it provides a means to escape the pressures of everyday life. I think that's something to really value.
Write When You're Inspired so You Can Post When You're Not
Scheduling isn't only vital to me in the sense of me not having the time to post consistently otherwise, but also because I'm human and sometimes I'm inspired and sometimes I'm not. When I'm brimming with inspiration I can easily write three or four unfalteringly enthusiastic post. When I'm not I don't product work that I'm proud of. Therefore it makes sense to save some of my posts so they go up consistently, even when I'm not in the writing mood. Post as often as you are able to maintain, whether that's daily or once a week.
Shake It Off
I'm not usually one to quote T-Swift, but I think when you're already feeling negative about your blog, uninvited and nonconstructive criticism can really make you crumble. As amazing as the blogging community is overall, I've noticed a trend on Twitter of people trying to make their opinion law: 'I don't like xyz so it's bad and wrong and no one will read your blog if you do it'. It's a load of crap. You do you and if people don't like it they can stop reading :)
Make Little Changes
Another lovely blogger told me that making little changes to your blog is a great way to inject something new and I totally agree. Whether it's getting your own URL (which is my plan!), changing your profile photo, designing the perfect header, getting a new camera or even overhauling your entire design, I think that these small changes can make you feel a lot more positive about your blog.
Hit Refresh
Refreshing your content is a good idea. I think I'm feeling a little as though I'm churning out the same material over and over. Therefore I'm going back to posting four (or maximum five) times a week and I'm going to make one of those posts non-beauty.
Do It For You
Closely related to my last point; your blog is your own space to write what you'd like. Who cares if your post about a book that really moved you doesn't get as many views as your Makeup Revolution review? If you want to write it then write it because a surefire way to be unhappy is to write content purely because you think that's what people want to see. You could surprise yourself and successfully branch out into something else entirely.
These are the things that have kept me blogging and have seriously improved my outlook at the moment. So if you've been feeling uninspired or fed up with your blog, I hope they help you too.
Do you have any tips on how to feel more positive about your blog?
Do you have any tips on how to feel more positive about your blog?
I am currently feeling like this to be honest, for some reason over the last week my page views have dramatically dropped and I am not gaining many (if any) new subs and that sucks a little as like you I have put in a lot of time to my little space. But I then take a step back and think that it doesn't really matter as long as I am happy with the content (which I am)
ReplyDeleteI love your blog and all the posts along with it. How about maybe doing some tag style posts so we can get to know you a little better :)
Pams Stuff and Things
I'm experiencing the same thing :( maybe it's a trend at the moment!
DeleteAnd I'm actually planning a but of a get to know me so keep an eye out! xx
These are all really great tips. I think every blogger goes through a rut at some point in their blogging life, and I think it really helps to know how to deal with it!
ReplyDeleteI agree :) and I'm glad you found them useful xx
DeleteThank you so much for this post! Its really horrible getting stuck in a rut but its not long before your inspiration comes back! I absolutely love your blog and your posts are always incredible! Plus its so obvious how much hard work you put into each post and it really pays off! I'll definitely be keeping this post close by in case I get a bit uninspired soon! xx
Aww thank you so much! Lovely comments like this really give me a boost :) xx
DeleteThese are all such great points :) I recently entered a bit of a 'slump' but somehow found motivation to keep on going! I find I think of blog post ideas at such random times!
ReplyDeleteStyle Sunrise ☀
Haha it's always the way! xx
DeleteI can totally identify with this post and I agree with all your points. It's important to always remember why we started in the first place and keep doing what we know best...xx
ReplyDeleteI love the 'write when your inspired so you can post when you're not' Its the hardest thing to write when you just don't know what to write about! Forcing creativity just ends in poor content, so 100% agree
ReplyDeleteCheck out my blog, I interview big bloggers like In The Frow and Peony Lim
I totally agree! xx
DeleteHi Jasmine! Just found your blog searching for reviews on the kiko's velvet touch creamy stick blushes and then saw this post and was exactly was I was needing, thank you for sharing :)
ReplyDeleteI'm loving your reviews! And by the way, I was impressed that you use your phone's camera!? Which phone do you have?
love from Portugal!
I'm glad you like it :) before Christmas I was on the iPhone 5, after Christmas the Panasonic Lumix FZ200! xx
DeleteThese are really good points. I always find that if I stop and breathe for a bit I am more inspired when I want to write x
Yes, I totally agree :) xx
DeleteI feel like this a lot when I look at pageviews or can't think of next week's post. I really agree with the escapism thing - I've been burying myself in work for the past few weeks, writing about lipsticks really takes my mind off the "real world". I wish I was better at talking to other bloggers on Twitter etc, as I think that would really help get me out of a slump. Getting a custom URL might be a good step for you, they're normally about £5-10 so one of the cheapest ways to invest in your blog. Shopping helps, too - then you have a haul post, and several reviews to write! Hope you feel better about blogging soon, let me know if you want to have a natter? xx
Haha I definitely don't need to buy more stuff - I have things to write about, I'm just not feeling excited about it if that makes sense :(
DeleteThe main reason I haven't got a custom URL yet is because I looked up how to install it and it looked really complicated so I'm scared of messing it up! xx
This was a really inspiring and helpful post, well done on writing it all out. I often go through phases of feeling like I am getting nowhere with my blog, like I haven't improved, not liking my photography, comparing myself to others, the list can go on and on. But I found that when this happens it's really helpful to talk to someone who understands preferably a blogging buddy, taking a few days away from everything blogging wise if possible and of course reminding yourself how far you have come. Hope you get out of your blogging rut soon x
ReplyDeleteBeauty with charm
Aww thank you, lovely :) xx
DeleteThese are all great things to remind ourselves of every so often! I sort of feel like I'm stuck in a bit of a rut too because I don't feel very inspired or have much spare time to reflect on it. However I think the idea of starting with small changes and building up will really help!
ReplyDeleteVelvet Blush
Glad you've found something that could work for you :) xx
DeleteThere is something in the air because i have so been feeling like this too! Good advice though x
ReplyDeleteA few people have said that :( xx
DeleteThis is exactly how I am feeling at the moment. I just feel so busy and can't keep up with my blog and promoting it. And cause I still don't have many followers I don't get reads without promoting :(. Vicious circle at the moment xx
ReplyDeleteThrough New Eyes x
I know what you mean - feels like I'm falling behind on everything :( and I'm experiencing the same thing xx
DeleteGreat post hun, I always have to agree by looking back on old posts, I also do the same with my layout also. I have to agree also with the do it for you point, definitely blog for you and no one else :)
ReplyDeleteCharlee XO | CharmedCharlee
Great advice! I had a very productive day the other day and I have days where I am completely blank!! xx
I feel the same! xx
Deletegreat inspiring tips!!! :D i totally agree with trying to refresh and put something new in your blog to get out of a rut!! :D
ReplyDeleteAnimated Confessions
Glad you found it inspiring :D xx
DeleteLovely post to read and some great tips and suggestions, thanks for sharing! <3
ReplyDeleteI have a new outfit post up on the blog, would love to know your thoughts lovely:
* Electric Sunrise - Fashion and Lifestyle Blog *
I have been feeling the exact same way lately, and even today, considered just closing my blog entirely. I push through the feeling often, because I do enjoy it, but lately, I have just changed it up a bit, and that seems to have helped, and in ways, not at all. Just gotta keep pushing through :/
ReplyDeleteAngie x | Chocolate & Lipstick || UK Beauty and Lifestyle Blog
Yes I totally agree - I'm feeling on the up now xx
DeleteGreat tips! I think everyone goes through stages where they get really disheartened and unmotivated with their blog, but taking some time out always makes me want to come back to it! Thanks for sharing x
ReplyDeleteAmy | The Perks of Being Amy
I completely agree with this and I'm glad if it helped :) xx
DeleteI feeling this way too. I would love to get my own URL sometime this year also but have no idea how to go about it and i'm terrified I end up deleting my blog or something in this process! I'm loving these tips, thanks for sharing x
ReplyDeleteRoxie ♥
I'm exactly the same! haha xx
Deletethank you for these tips, I must try writing only when inspired as sometimes I cannot think to write a blogpost when needed! x
ReplyDeleteHannah | Heyitshannaah
Yeah it makes sense as on a good day you ca have 3 posts in you and on a bad day nothing! xx
DeleteI felt the same as you about my blog recently, but taking a step back has definitely helped. xx
Yes that's definitely a good idea xx
DeleteAs a new blogger I can't really see where you're coming from just yet (as I haven't been blogging long enough to feel that way yet) but this post is so honest and uplifting! Blogging should be for you and what you enjoy, go back to basics and remember why you started blogging in the first place. I love your blog so hopefully you come out of your rut soon!!x
Aww thank you - I'm so glad you enjoy my posts :D xx
DeleteI was feeling this way at about the 6 month mark and it has dissipated slightly. I have a hard time, sometimes, not getting caught up in the "perfection" aspect of things. But beyond great photography and sought after content, I've realised that there are more important things to focus on like concretely establishing my "voice" which has been challenging for me but I'm slowly getting there. :-)
ReplyDeleteBeauty Isles | An Island Girl's Beauty and Lifestyle Blog
Yeah I completely agree with this xx
DeleteGreat post Jasmine...I think all bloggers feel this way, no matter how new they are or how successful they are. Writing when inspiration strikes is the best feeling - it just all comes flowing out and makes it such a joy again! :) x
ReplyDeleteBrenda BusyBee
Aww thank you :) it's good to feel like you're not alone in this xx
DeleteYou could explore new topics to write about such as animal testing in the cosmetic industry.
ReplyDeletethanks for your feedback
DeleteI definitely feel like I need to refresh my content right now, content is the thing holding my back!
ReplyDeleteGreat ideas here Jasmine, I will keep this post bookmarked
Estelle x - www.letmegoxo.uk
Aw I'm glad you found this helpful! xx