Gift Idea! || Big Ideas Simply Explained Book Series

Today I'm going to tell you about this amazing book series I love! I think this would be the perfect gift for any armchair philosophers you may know...

If you know anyone who has an interest in these sorts of topics but just doesn't know where to start; this is the perfect gift! Everything is explained with great graphics, easy-to-remember slogans and simple flow charts. All of the world-changing ideas are mapped from the Ancient world to the modern day. The fact that each idea has it's own page or two means it's really easy to dip in and out of these and to locate things.


I have all of them, most of which I got for Christmas last year, except the Business Book and the Science Book (maybe this year!) and couldn't recommend them enough. I originally picked up the Philosophy Book before I went to university to study Philosophy and Theology because I'd never actually done the subject before. It helped me so much and even when I was at uni I used it as a reference or to recap with. It gives you a great grounding in the ideas and if you want to you will be able to go off and learn more.

I have to say my favourite is the philosophy book but I love this entire series and think they make ideas that were once too complex and academic accessible to everyone.

I can't wait for the Sociology Book and the Shakespeare Book to come out next year! You can buy all the books from the series from Amazon here and they are also stocked in Waterstones.

Which of these topics do you wish you knew a little more about?


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  1. I'd really like the Philosophy and Psychology one as I do both of those subjects in school, and I'm quite interested in the Politics one even though I don't do it at school - nice post :-)

    fashion, beauty and an existential crisis

    1. Definitely check them out they're such a good grounding in the topics :) xx

  2. Such a great idea for a gift, these looks really cool!

    Drea xo
    Drea's Junkyard

  3. Yeah I think we all know someone who would appreciate something like this :) xx}

  4. These are a fab idea for Christmas presents! Like the 'for Dummies' books but 100x better (and nicer looking). I stopped studying Philosophy at GCSE but it still really interests me, so that'd be my book of choice!
    Thanks for the recommendation :)
    lily x

    1. Yeah that's a really good description of them haha xx


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